Page 59 of Bombshell Brides

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The prince will announce his engagement at the ball tonight.

But it’s not his fiance on his arm–it’s me. Her twin sister.

Those two have been engaged for years, even though they’ve never met. Politics, right?

But the prince doesn’t know my sister’s wild ways. He doesn’t know she disappeared three days ago, last seen lip-locked with a scuba instructor, and he doesn’t realize he’s about to be humiliated.

So I step in. I pretend to be her at the ball. What’s the worst that can happen?

It’s not like anyone will suspect. Not like the prince will even know.

And if it’s the best night of my life… well. That doesn’t matter.

I still need to let him go.


Eight minutes to midnight

“Esteemed guests.”

The prince’s strong voice cuts through the buzz of the crowd, and all around us, well-dressed revelers fall quiet. Glasses clink as they’re placed on servers’ trays, refilled champagne flutes plucked in exchange, and soft string music drifts through the ballroom.

Huge bouquets of white roses and ivy trail from balconies high above, and crystal chandeliers form a thousand points of warm light.

Prince Alden’s sleeve crinkles under my tight grip. A warm palm settles over my fingers.

“Breathe,” the prince murmurs for my ears alone. I stare out at the crowd, dry-mouthed, my chest tight. Do they recognize me? Do they know I shouldn’t be here tonight? “It will all be over soon, and then we can be alone.” He leans closer, lips brushing the shell of my ear, and I shiver, heat rippling through my insides. “One more minute, Olympia. Then Iwillhave you to myself.”

There’s just one problem.

I’m not Olympia. Not his fiance.

I’m an imposter wearing my twin sister’s dress.

“This match has long been promised.” Prince Alden addresses the crowd, his confident voice carrying through the large ballroom, and I cling to his arm like a squirrel on a branch. His words wash over me, beautiful words about family and country and duty, about facing the future with his bride by his side. All noble sentiments, and exactly the kind of thing we’ve come to expect from the dashing prince.

How did I ever think this was a good idea? How did it come to this?

Damn it, Olympia.My sister often leaves me to clean up her messes, but this is a new low, even for her.

“Smile, sweetheart,” Alden says from the corner of his mouth. He winks down at me, and my heart lurches in response. With his tousled bronze hair and his sparkling blue eyes, this man belongs on a red carpet as much as a throne. He’s a dangerous weapon. A global threat to panties everywhere. “Else I’ll think you don’t want me after all.”

Oh, I want him. Ireallywant him. That is not the problem here.

My chin wobbles as I force a smile.

“I’d like to call a toast.” His hand is so warm on mine. So steady. Prince Alden is anchoring me, settling my nerves even now, and I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve a single kind word from him.

A sea of champagne flutes lift as one, bubbles popping inside the glass, the light from the chandeliers dancing in the pale fluid.

“To my future bride.” The prince hits me with a dazzling smile. “The beautiful Olympia.”

I’m going to be sick.

“May our union be blessed, and our reign be just.”

The crowd echoes the sentiment, but I barely hear them through the high pitched buzzing in my head. He’s done it. He’s announced his betrothal to my sister. I sway on my heels, everything too bright and loud suddenly. I need to get out of here. I need to lie down.

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance