Page 14 of Bombshell Brides

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“We might not have made it legal.” I take refuge in my helpful-assistant mode. “Apparently you can go through the ceremony and everything for fun but if you don’t get the license first, it’s not real.”

Ask me how I know. Since this morning, the search history on my phone is jammed full of quickie wedding trivia.

Guy grunts but says nothing. And so we walk on, the silence thick between us, cabs and rented limousines drifting past in the street.

Lucky Bet does not look like a chapel. It’s so not-a-chapel that we almost miss it, strolling past its neon sign and palm tree display before Guy makes a strangled noise and jerks me to a halt.

“Oh, shit.” We stare at the sign together, with its flashing dice and sparkly love hearts. Palm fronds sway in the breeze on either side of the big glass doors.

Guy blows out a long breath. “It’s a casino.”

“A casino-chapel.” I gnaw on my bottom lip, still glued to the sidewalk. I really, really don’t know if I can go in there, and as I pluck at my dress, I’m definitely leaving clammy hand prints. “Is that allowed? I feel like there are rules against that.”

Guy’s smile is crooked, his dimple on full display.

Crap. I can’t look at him when he’s this pretty. It makes me go all bruised and vulnerable inside.

“Come on. Let’s get our answers.” He starts walking toward the entrance, all businesslike again, but I can’t move. Stupid feet. “Effie?”

“Um.” I sound all wrong. Hoarse and strangled. “Can I meet you in there? I… I need a minute.”

Two dark eyebrows lower. “Why? What’s wrong?”

Nothing. Everything. God, I don’t even know. This is all so dumb, and I’ve been laughing this shit off all day, but now that we’rehere, and we’re going to find out if we’re really married, and maybe even start talking about divorce or annulment or lawyers…

Guy Coltrane can’t divorce me. My heart will shatter into a thousand pieces and he’llsee.

“Have you remembered something?” He’s close again, big hands resting on my shoulders. Squeezing and kneading me until my racing heart slows. Green eyes bore into mine, and I sway toward him, chest aching.

I stop myself at the last second. He doesn’t want that from me.Bad Effie.

“No,” I rasp. “I’m just freaking out. Like a coward.”

My boss’s scowl deepens, and then I’m being marched toward Lucky Bet. Not through the shiny glass doors, but veering off to one side, off into the wall of palm trees. Guy steers me all the way to the white brick wall, a jungle of palm fronds blocking us from the street.

“You are not a coward,” he clips out. It’s the same voice he uses when I kick the office vending machine for swallowing my dollar. “Don’t talk about yourself like that.”

I lean against rough brick, my hair snagging and baseball cap tilting, and blink up at him in a daze.

“You’re so brave,” Guy presses, twirling a lock of my dark hair around one finger. The corner of his mouth crooks up. “You’re fearless. Don’t forget, I’ve seen what you bring through airport security.”

Oh my god.

“Yousaid—” my fist thumps against his shoulder, the force vibrating through my knuckles “—let’s never discuss it!”

My suitcase. The open lid. That freaking vibrator.

Guy grins. “I changed my mind,” he says, and he’s stepping closer, still twirling my hair, his green eyes glittering with dark promise. “I would like to discuss it after all, Effie. I have so, so many questions.”

I can’t breathe. Can’t speak. Can only gape up at my boss, equal parts amused and enraged. “It’s none of your business!” I manage at last, but I’m reaching for him. Clinging to his shirt for dear life.

He looks pointedly at my hard nipples where they’re poking at my dress. “Are you sure about that?”

Gah! Who is this man and what has he done with Guy Coltrane? With the stern, reserved man who is constantly tired of my antics? The man who practically scrubbed his mouth to get rid of my kiss?

Thisman crowds me against the rough brick, his chest grazing against the front of my dress. He’s fitting his palms to my hips, my waist, my ribs. Mapping me greedily, like he never wants to let me go.

“Effie.” My name is rough on his lips. “Can I kiss you again? I want you so fucking badly.”

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance