Page 45 of Secret Santa

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“Don’t hold back,” he said into her hair as he felt his control slipping.

“Nick,” she cried out as he felt her convulse around him, causing him to release his own hold and follow her.

“Are we really lying naked on the entry floor?” Kara said sometime later.

He chuckled and continued to run his fingertips over her hip.

“Is that a problem?”

She shook her head as her eyes met his. “Not yet, not until I start feeling again and realize just how hard and cold this floor is.”

He’d already noticed it. His hip was sore from the wood floor and there was a breeze coming in from under the front door that he was blocking with his body so that she didn’t feel it. Then he realized that a dog was whining and glanced over to see Oliver sitting at the back door.

“Olly needs out,” Kara said as she reached for her shirt.

“I’ll let him out.” He quickly got up to pull on his jeans. He stood by the back door as the dog did his business. When he returned, Kara was dressed again and looking through the fridge.

“Hungry?” she asked over her shoulder.

“I could eat. Are there any of those cinnamon rolls left?” he asked, feeling his stomach growl.

“You read my mind.” She pulled out the pan. “I’ll heat them up first.”

While they waited, she pulled out her phone and sent Liz a text message.

“How is she?” he asked after he heard a response come in.

“Good. She’s resting. Her mother responded.” Kara set her phone down. “Willy has always been a jerk, but tonight, he and the others took it a step too far.”

“They’d bragged back in high school about all sorts of things. No one ever paid it any attention though,” Nick admitted. “Now I feel like a jerk for not taking the rumors more seriously.”

“Rumors?” Kara asked.

He shrugged. “About hurting animals or beating up other kids. All three of them bragged about who they had slept with.” He narrowed his eyes. “At one point, they all three bragged about you.”

“Me?” Kara’s eyes grew big. “They bragged about sleeping with me?”

He nodded. “No one, and I do mean no one, believed them. Not when you made it very clear what you thought of all three of them. Especially Willy.” He smiled.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t. Even if he was the last man on earth,” she said firmly.

He smiled and took her hand in his. “I think everyone in town knows that.”

“Good. But they crossed the line tonight. Which is why I pressed charges against them. Why I convinced Liz to as well.”

“Smart move. I just wish it would help more. I’d wager the two of them will be out by morning and since Willy took off, I’ll bet his lawyer will clear him of anything before they can even slap cuffs on him.”

“I just don’t get how your uncle and cousin still have so much pull in this town. I mean, everyone knows they’re crooks,” she said with a sigh.

Nick shrugged. “Wilbert has spread the story of that he was cheated out of the ranch and his inheritance around town for years. I guess a lot of people believe he’s the underdog and root for him no matter what.”

The timer went off on the microwave, and she stood up and gathered their plates.

“Let’s take these into my room,” she suggested. “We can watch something and fall asleep.”

They sat in her bed and watched a movie while eating the sweets. Olly curled up at their feet on the bed. Then he held onto her while she fell asleep in his arms.

He’d never spent the night with anyone before and wanted to enjoy every minute of feeling her body next to his while he drifted off.

Tags: Jill Sanders Romance