Page 43 of Secret Santa

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“How much more of this are you going to torture me with?” he growled into her ear.

She wanted to leave with him. To have him drive them back to her place and…

She caught sight of Willy and his goons cornering Liz. The trio had her blocked in the back hallway near the bathrooms. Her blood went cold when she realized they were pulling Liz out the back door. She had never seen that look of sheer panic in her friend’s eyes before.

She pushed away from Nick and rushed across the dance floor and out the back door before it even closed. She used all that anger and pushed Willy off her friend. She caught him off guard and, once more, Willy ended up on the floor, this time on his ass.

“Stay away from my friend,” she yelled as she reached for Liz. But she wasn’t quick enough, and Willy jumped up and wrapped his hands around her neck. Then he yanked her off her feet and shoved her against the outside brick wall of the Firehouse.

She heard shouting as the back of her head connected with the wall. Her feet dangled in the air as stars exploded behind her eyes. Everything swirled and then tilted several times while she was held, shoved, pushed, and eventually, released.

She coughed a few times when Willy’s hands were removed from her throat. She’d fallen to the sticky ground of the alleyway, bent over on her hands and knees as she tried to draw a breath.

“Kara!” Liz was shouting her name.

She wanted to respond, but her throat had closed up and she just couldn’t get enough air.

“Help!” Liz shouted. “Someone help her.”

She heard more shouting and felt someone push past her. The back door was opened as more people rushed out. She shivered at the thought of what would have happened if the three men had taken Liz away.

“I’m here, Kara.” Nick’s voice caused her to focus and calm. “I’m right here. Breathe,” he said, and finally she calmed enough to suck in a deep breath.

“I… I’m okay,” she croaked out. She coughed a few more times. Her hands covered the spot where Willy’s had held her against the wall.

She was lifted and carried back into the warmth of the building. When she was set down, she realized that the music had completely stopped. The entire room was quiet and as she opened her eyes, she noticed that the house lights were on.

Liz was sitting next to her, holding her hand, looking very worried.

“Are you okay?” Liz asked.

Kara nodded and swallowed, then winced at the pain.

“Here,” their waitress said, handing her a bag of ice. “This might help.” She handed one to Nick. “Here’s one for you too, hero.”

Kara glanced over and saw the blood dripping from Nick’s lip. His eye was swollen again but he was watching her closely.

“Gosh, look,” Liz said when Kara moved her hands away from her throat. “He tried to kill you.” Her friend touched her neck softly. “You’re purple here.” Liz held the ice to Kara’s throat, and she winced. She wanted the warmth instead but knew the ice would prevent swelling and leaned back.

Her eyes met Nick’s, and she could tell he was worried for her just as much as she was for him.

“What happened?” Kara asked, feeling a little fuzzy.

“Nick kicked all three of those assholes’ butts,” Liz explained. “Willy took off like the rat that he is. They were boasting about how they were going to take me out and show me a real good time for my birthday,” Liz said quietly. “I think they…” Her friend’s voice hitched.

Kara set the ice pack down and wrapped her arms around her friend.

“I don’t know what I would have done if…” Her friend cried.

“That’s it. Tomorrow, I’m buying you some mace for your birthday. Maybe a taser.” She closed her eyes tightly.

Liz sighed. “Okay. Just as long as you get some too.”

Kara nodded.

“I’ll buy,” Nick piped in. “I know just the place to get it all. But first, we’re having you checked out,” Nick said as two paramedics came into the room.

After everyone was checked out and patched up, the three of them walked out to Nick’s truck. It was decided that Nick would drive Liz home, since neither of them wanted to take their eyes off Liz until they both knew she was home safe.

Tags: Jill Sanders Romance