Page 22 of Secret Santa

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The drive down his driveway and back up hers took less than five minutes. Still, his nerves doubled in that short time.

The snow hadn’t let up all day, which meant that the driveways were a mess, which is why he’d driven his truck instead of the sedan. He knocked on the door and thought he heard a bang and a curse, which had him smiling.

“Coming,” Kara called out, and he heard a door slam and footsteps before the door opened.

She was wearing a pair of black jeans, boots, and a big white sweater. Her long hair was curled and lying over her shoulders.

She looked so perfect, his insides ached.

“Hi,” he said as he smiled.

“Hi.” She smiled back at him. “We are sure getting a lot of snow lately.” She grabbed her coat.

“It’s supposed to clear up this weekend,” he said, helping her put on her coat. “Ready?”

She glanced around the house and then turned back to him and nodded.

He opened the truck door for her and then got behind the wheel.

“How is your dad doing?” she asked as they made their way back to his place.

“He’s… bedridden now. As of this morning. I’m not sure he’ll make it to Christmas.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

He shook his head. “No, he’s made it very clear he wants to go be with my mom. He’s arranged for everything.” He hesitated for a split second and then added, “He’s even changed his will.”

She was quiet for a heartbeat and then said, “There’s a rumor going around town.”

He groaned. “Yeah, I’ve heard it.”

“Is it true?”

He glanced at her and shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t asked my dad. Nor am I going to. What he’s decided to do is his business.”

“Even if it leaves you homeless?” she asked.

He thought about it and nodded. “If my father has decided to leave the ranch to my uncle or his son, then it’s his business. I’ve worked hard all my life for this place,” he said as he turned into the long driveway. “I believe my father knows this. He’s a good man. He knows what’s best for it and me.” He parked and shut off the truck. “But don’t get me wrong. If it’s within my power, I’ll fight for this place, just as I’m sure you’ll fight for yours.”

She smiled and nodded.

He jumped out and rushed around to help her out of the truck. As they stepped inside, the dogs happily greeted them.

“Something smells good,” she said as he helped her off with her coat.

“I figured I’d go with a classic. Steak and potatoes followed up with homemade apple pie.” He smiled as he hung their coats on the hook by the front door.

Then he noticed her eyes scanning the room.

“Is this your first time in here?” he asked.

“No, but it’s the first I’ve had time to look around.”

He motioned to the space. “I’ll go check on the food.” He disappeared through the large two-story living room.

The kitchen was easily twice the size as the one in her house. His mother had put in state-of-the-art appliances, but that had been over ten years ago. Still, they worked and were nice enough. Over the years, he and his dad had repainted most of the inside. There were a lot of natural wood beams, which kept the painting requirements down.

The old hardwood flooring had been sanded and restained many times and still looked new.

Tags: Jill Sanders Romance