Page 83 of The Joy of Us

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Being with Fallon is better than I imagined, and while we haven’t discussed what will happen beyond New Year’s, I'll take what I can get.

The truth is, I want more,muchmore.

But I'll wait for her to initiate that discussion.

"You better be careful, Fallon Joy. I'm already getting addicted to your pussy."

Moments later, we're coming undone together, and that's when I know for sure that I don't ever want to let her go.

As I get ready for work, Fallon soaks in the tub, tempting me to skip another day, but I can't. With more tourists in town for the festival, the farm will be swamped.

"I'm sorry I have to leave." I lean into the tub and brush my lips against hers.

"It's okay. I have plenty of emails to catch up on and writing to do. Plus, my body's alittlesore."

Smirking, I lower my hand and cup her breast. "I bet it is."

She swats my arm. "Go. Are you leaving Dasher here?"

"Yeah, is that okay? I won't be able to keep an eye on him, and I don't want to lock him up."

"It's fine."

"I'll text you when I can." I kiss her forehead, feeling guilty and sad about having to go.

"Have a good day," she calls out.

I find Dasher lying on my bed and give him a quick pep talk. "Be good for Fallon. I'll see you later, buddy."

He licks my hand, and I laugh.

As soon as I get to the farm, I notice the full parking lot and see a line of people standing outside the shop.

It's going to be crazy as fuck.

When I walk in, Mom greets me with a wave. She's all smiles as she helps customers check out. Lucy's behind the counter, handing out baked goods.

"Hey, sis."

"Get back here and make yourself useful."

I bark out a laugh. "You gonna come help me cut down trees, then?"

She gives me a murderous look that tells me to get lost.

I grab gloves and an extra walkie-talkie from the office, then make my way outside. I do a quick walk around and see if any areas are struggling to keep up with demands. We have a record number of employees here, so I’ll help wherever needed.

I help a dozen customers load their trees and tie them to their roofs or truck beds. Christmas music blasts through the outdoor speakers, and it’s impossible not to think about Fallon and her distaste for it.

At first, I thought it was weird that anyone could hate the holidays as much as she does. But now I understand her reason, and it's completely valid. With the anniversary of her mom’s passing coming up, I’m going to do whatever it takes to be there for her the best I can. Though I can't say I know how she feels, I can listen if she wants to talk or help distract her if she prefers.

Either way, I've blocked the day off just for her.

I plan to make New Year’s special for her and give her a new memory to hold on to.

I finally get the chance to check my phone and smile when I see texts from Fallon.

Fallon: I think you have some new competition.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Romance