Page 14 of Soul Bound

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“How are you feeling, Marshall?” Sam asked.

“Best I’ve felt in a long time, actually,” he said in surprise.

“Hmm. Well, you’ve certainly got some color back in your face,” Sam agreed. “Do you feel up to moving to the family room for this meeting that Alice has called?”

Marshall ran a quick inventory of his body. He still ached and was a little tired, but he’d operated on less. “Yeah. I won’t be running any marathons, but I can shuffle my way to the meeting.”

“Aaron, what about you?” Sam asked his Alpha.

“I’m good too. Let’s get this show on the road. I’m curious as to what Alice is thinking.”

Marshall eased out of bed, eager to find out what the old lady had seen. He took a moment to ensure his feet were under him before slowly making his way to the door. Sam hovered nearby but let Aaron step in next to Marshall. A frisson of awareness went through him at the Alpha’s closeness and earthy scent.

Chapter 5

Ittookthemafew minutes to get to the family room from the clinic. The distance wasn’t far, just at the south end of the building, but neither Marshall nor Aaron was moving at a speed that would break any records.

Sam hovered close, ready to catch either of them if they stumbled or fell, but thankfully, he wasn’t needed. He breathed a sigh of relief when both of his patients were safely ensconced on one of the comfortable couches.

Aaron’s wolf grumbled at the tension in the room. Saint was standing close to Marshall. Arms crossed as he glared at the twins, who were insolently leaning against one of the bookshelves on the opposite side of the room, returning the glare.

“Why are you two here?” he asked wearily.

“We’re head of your security. Where else would we be?” Blake answered, a frown marring his handsome features.

“Is there a threat I’ve not been made aware of?” Aaron asked, looking to his brother.

Josh shook his head in reply. “Nope, nothing I know of.”


Vaughn looked up from the tablet he was holding. “Hmm? What? Oh, no, no threats.”

Aaron raised a questioning eyebrow at Blake and Rafe.

“With all due respect, Alpha,” Blake began as Josh snorted in amusement. Blake glared at the Beta. “What? We respect Aaron. When have we not?”

“Whatever,” Aaron replied, waving a hand. “What is the perceived threat that has you both here?”

A low growl from the end of the couch had Rafe and Blake straightening, their bodies tensing. Aaron sighed. He really didn’t need another dick measuring contest today.

“I’ve already told you to stand down,” he bit out. “Marshall and Saint are here as our guests.”

“Exactly! We didn’t have time to run any background checks or anything. They could be here to take you out.”

Marshall chuckled beside him. “Sorry, I know it’s not funny, but seriously, I can’t stand without a cane. Moving more than snail’s pace puts me on my ass. I’m in no state to take anyone out. And even if I was, why would I?”

“You may not be able to, but your bodyguard sure as hell could.”

“As Marsh said, why would we?” Saint growled back. “We came here at the invitation of the Doc. All we want is to find out what the hell is wrong with Marsh.”

The twins shrugged in unison, identical looks of disdain on their faces. Rafe took a step forward, tension coiled in his muscles.

“Reaper, control your Blade!” Vaughn snapped out, making both men step back. On the couch next to him, Marshall stiffened. Aaron glanced at him to ensure he was okay and saw both Marshall and Saint exchange a wide-eyed look.

“What’s wrong?” Aaron asked.

A silent conversation seemed to take place between the two men, and once again, Aaron’s wolf grumbled in annoyance. Marshall gave an imperceptible nod, and Saint grimaced but returned it.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance