Page 15 of Soul Bound

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“Marshall, is there something you need to tell us?”

Marshall’s gaze focused on the twins. “Afghanistan. Operation Solar.”

At the words, Rafe and Blake froze, and after a few seconds, Rafe’s gaze flicked over Saint. “Ghost and Viper?”

Marshall and Saint nodded in confirmation. Rafe and Blake shared their own look and private conversation until Rafe sighed and returned to leaning against the bookshelf.

“Well?” Aaron asked. “Is someone going to explain?”

“Your guys are former Special Forces,” Marshall replied, his gaze fixed on Rafe and Blake.

“We’re aware, yes,” Aaron confirmed, his gaze flicking between the four men.

“So are we. We’ve come across each other while deployed but never met in person.”

“And Operation Solar?”

“Classified,” Saint said in a low voice.

Aaron glanced at his enforcers. They nodded in agreement.

“Okay. So can we leave the dick measuring behind and get on with whatever Alice has called us here for?” Aaron scanned the room. “Speaking of, where is she?”

“I left her at the library with a dude named Kyr,” Saint said, shrugging. “She said she’d be here as soon as Kyr had got the books she needed.”

“Goddess, we could be here for hours,” Josh muttered before squirming from the glare his mother sent his way.

A rumble of a cart had Aaron turning towards the door. “They’re here.”

A trolley piled with books, some of them looking very old and delicate, appeared in the doorway. Pushing it was Kyr, their librarian and archivist. Alice followed closely behind, a twinkle in her eye.

“Gran, stop ogling Kyr’s butt!” Darcy told her.

Kyr stopped suddenly and turned to glare at Alice, who just laughed and winked.

“Hey, I may be old, but I can still admire a good view,” she cackled as she crossed the room to settle into one of the armchairs.

Kyr blushed at her words and dropped his head with a groan. “Where do you want these?” he asked.

“Over here, please,” Alice said, waving him to the space next to her. She looked around the room. “Good, everyone is here.”

“Before we start, Alice, I need to introduce everyone,” Aaron interjected. “Marshall, Saint, these are our Pack Elders. You’ve met my parents, Anna and Vaughn.” Marshall and Saint nodded.

“My brother, Josh. He’s not an Elder, but my beta and second-in-command. The Toxic Twins are Rafe and Blake D’Eath.” Rafe’s lip curled at the nickname, but Aaron was still pissed at them both and wasn’t in any mood to be nice.

“Over there, is Elder Donovan. He was my father’s beta.” A tall, grey-haired man nodded and smiled. “Next to him is Elder Lee and, of course, Alice. Then we have Kyr, our records keeper, and Darcy, who assists Sam in the clinic when she’s not running around after her grandmother.”

“Good to meet you all,” Marshall murmured.

“Right, now that’s been done, Alice, what’s going on between Aaron and Marshall?” Vaughn asked.

“Well, it’s been a very long time since something like this has presented itself in our Pack,” Alice began, settling into her chair. “I think the last recorded occurrence was in my grandmother’s time, which is why I have asked Kyr to pull all the pack records and diaries from back then.”

The room was quiet as they listened. Alice continued. “As Darcy said, there is a connection between Aaron and Mr. Cavendish. To those of us with the sight, it appears like a thread running between them.”

“Darcy mentioned a rope,” Sam interjected.

“Yes, it is a bit like that. And it appears to be getting brighter and thicker.”

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance