Page 13 of Soul Bound

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“Once! You took me down once. And only because I was distracted,” Saint protested, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

Marshall glanced at Aaron, who was watching them with a frown. Marshall gave a grin and nudged Aaron’s hand. “The big bad tiger got distracted by a butterfly.”

Aaron’s mouth quirked in amusement, and Saint scowled at his friend. “It was not a butterfly. It was a bee. A bird-sized bee!”

“Hmm, hmm,” Marshall nodded. “A big, huge,defenselessbee.”

“Bees are not defenseless, and you know damn well I’m allergic to them.”

A chuckle escaped Aaron and Marshall let out a laugh of his own. Saint snarled at them both but soon gave in and joined in their laughter.

They were interrupted by Sam coming into the room. Following close behind him was Darcy, and an older woman, who Marshall presumed was her grandmother, Alice.

“Can you see it, Gran?” Darcy asked excitedly.

Alice nodded sagely as her keen gaze ran over Marshall and Aaron.

“What do you see, Alice?” Aaron asked.

“Patience, young Alpha.”

Aaron quirked an eyebrow but waited while Alice came closer. Like Darcy had earlier, she ran a hand down his arm and then up Marshall’s. Her touch was firm but gentle, her palm roughened and warm. She continued up to his shoulder and to his chest. She hummed and nodded to herself, and Marshall held as still as he could, trying to keep his breathing regular.

“Good, strong heart,” she murmured. She traced back down Marshall’s arm and up Aaron’s, across his chest, and came to rest on the Alpha’s heart. “Of course. Why didn’t I think of it?” she muttered under her breath as she nodded in satisfaction.

“Well?” Aaron asked impatiently.

“All is well, Alpha. We need to gather the Elders.”

“What? Why?”

“I need to see Kyr, and then I will meet you in the family room,” Alice told him with a gentle pat on his face.

“Alice, I’m not happy about moving them from the clinic. I still need to run some tests, especially for Marshall,” Sam protested.

“Hush, Sam. They are not sick. They’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Darcy, run along to Elder Vaughn and ask him to gather the others.”

Darcy flicked a glance to Aaron, who gave a subtle nod, before darting out of the room.

“Cub, come here,” Alice said, looking pointedly at Saint. Marshall smothered a laugh at the look on his best friend’s face.

“Me?” Saint asked, pointing to his chest.

Alice nodded and beckoned Saint to her side. Marshall gave him a nudge, earning himself a glare that he met with a grin.

“What’s your name?” Alice asked.

“Saint, ma’am.”

“Is that because you are one or because you try the patience of one?”

Marshall barked out a laugh. “Oh, definitely the latter.”

The glare Saint fired his way would have cowed a lesser man, but all it did was make Marshall laugh louder.

“I’m sure you have some stories to share,” Alice said with a wink. “You can tell me one or two as you escort me to the library.”

“I’d be honored,” Saint said as he crooked an elbow. Alice tucked her hand into his arm and allowed him to lead her out of the room.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance