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The men all cheered, but I noticed that one of them wasn’t cheering, one looked downright pissed... Wasp.

Why did he look so pissed?

“Axl, take Slaughtermen and Poison to gather the artillery. The rest of you with me, I’m calling Church. Now.”

Before I could question them further, they all pushed past me as if I wasn’t even there. The only one who lingered behind was Wasp, staring at the severed arm with a strange look in his eye.

“Wasp? You okay?” I asked, my fingers touching him for the first time since the closet.

His dark eyes met mine, and he looked at me so blankly like he was warring with himself inside.

“Wasp, get the fuck in here!” Sabbath shouted, interrupting him from saying anything to me.

He quickly departed, disappearing into the clubhouse with the rest of the men, leaving me alone with Nina’s arm.

“Who did this to you, Nina?” I whispered like a lunatic. “Was it Hoax? Or was it Sabbath? What fucking monster did this to you?”

But the only answer I got was a breath of wind that chilled me to the bone.

Somewhere deep inside of me the silent answer screamed, but I wasn’t sure if I was strong enough to believe it.

Chapter Thirteen


“We roll out tonight!” Sabbath declared. “That bastard has Nina, and we need to save her.”

The men, much like me, looked at Sabbath with mixed expressions. He had this same attitude when they took Shasta, but unlike the others, I knew the truth.

This was all a ploy to take the heat off himself. To cover up the fact that he was responsible for Nina’s death. By pinning it on the Crows, it gave him the ammunition he needed to finish the war he started, ending this feud with them once and for all.

But I knew the truth, and it made me weary of joining in on this fight. Did the Crows deserve to die? Shit yeah. For everything they did to Shasta, Rose, and Sandman, and all the hell they’ve caused us over the years. But did they deserve to go down for something they didn’t do? That was one dilemma I didn’t know the answer to.

So, I did what I had to in that moment. I kept my fucking thoughts to myself, and my trap shut.

“What’s the plan?” Warrant asked, looking at our Prez for guidance.

“We raid their clubhouse, get Nina back, and kill them all,” Sabbath raged.

“Shouldn’t we wait a bit before retaliating?” Skid asked. “Won’t they be waiting for us to strike?”

“Probably, but I’m not going to let this go on any longer. The longer we wait. The less time Nina has. She’s pregnant with my kid, and we need to act fast!”

I rolled my eyes. He was so full of shit.

“You got something to say, Wasp?” Sabbath asked, his eyes daring me to question him.


“Good, because you’re staying here.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t need you fucking this up.”

My fists clenched. “What makes you think I’d fuck this up?”

Sabbath shrugged. “Call it a hunch.” He tapped his eye, taunting me about the black one he gave me earlier.

Tags: Quinn Ryder Erotic