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“What the hell do you want, skank?”

My fist cocked back, springing forward until it bounced off her nose and a sickening crack satisfied the rage burning inside of me.

“I think you broke my nose!” she cried out, noticing the bit of blood that was now leaking out her nostril.

“Good! It was looking a little crooked, anyway.”

“Fuck you, Shasta.”

“No, Keelie, fuck you. What? You couldn’t handle a little rejection from Wasp and decided to take it out on poor, defenseless Ramona. Do you think that makes you a badass or something? You’re nothing here, Keelie. Not even Wasp wants you anymore, and that’s fucking saying something.”

Her brows pleated in the middle as a menacing glare took over her features. “Wasp wants me. He always fucking wants me. I know exactly what he needs and wants, and I give it to him every fucking time. We may be going through a rough patch right now, but he’ll be back, he can’t go too long without being with me. I’m his fucking addiction—his drug of choice. And as for Ramona, that girl is a fucking dyke. Everyone fucking knows it. If she can’t handle me stating the obvious, then she needs to crawl back into that lesbian hole she crawled out of. There’s nothing wrong with me stating the facts.”

I hit her again, this time my knuckles splitting her bottom lip wide open.

“First of all, don’t you ever call my friend that ever again. Second, I heard you rather enjoy female companionship yourself, so before you start throwing derogatory insults at my friend like that, you may want to look in the mirror. I’m pretty sure you won’t be surprised by the muffin-munching, Muppet-looking whore who’s staring back at you.”

Keelie glared at me, lunging forward until her cheap nails were wrapped around my neck and she started to squeeze.

“I fucking hate you!” she screamed. “Everyone here fucking hates you!”

“The feeling is mutual,” I yelled back, strength taking over me as I gripped her shoulders and threw her to the ground.

We started to cat fight right there on the floor. Nails were broken, extensions were pulled, and blood was leaking out of her skin from all the hits I was getting in.

Nobody made an effort to stop us. Not Sabbath. Not Axl. Not even Wasp stepped in. They were too busy taking bets on which chick was going to come out on top.

When her cheap stilettos connected with my chest, tearing into my shoulder as one of the heels punctured my skin, that’s when Snyder grabbed me by the waist and pulled me backward, eliciting a scream that could shatter glass. My shoulder hurt like hell, and her shoe was literally sticking out of my skin.

She was looking mighty pleased with herself until I removed the shoe from my shoulder, pain be damned, and knocked the bitch in the face with it, creating a nice deep gash across her perfect little cheek.

“I heard you like to be beaten into submission, Keelie. Do you understand where you stand now? I’m head bitch around here. Not you. Not Nina. And definitely not any of these other whores who have gotten off on fucking my man. Once you all know your fucking place, maybe this clubhouse will start to make sense again. But until then, consider this a warning to all of you. If any of you ever talk shit about me or my friend Ramona again, and I hear about it, I’m coming after you. Next time it won’t be a stiletto to the face, it will be a knife to your throat or a bullet in your head. I’m done playing games. I’m the Prez’s Ol’ Lady, and you all better start fucking respecting my rank around here, because none of you are worthy of being claimed by anyone. You’re nothing but leather-chasing whores who keep them busy while they search for a real woman who can take care of their needs. You’ll never know what it takes to be an Ol’ Lady because you’re too busy getting on your knees for any dick that swings by your faces. Face it, girls, this is all you’ll ever be... a sad excuse for open legs and used up pussy.”

Before anyone else could say a word, I stomped out of the room, heading straight for Zeppelin’s clinic. My shoulder hurt like hell, and I knew I was going to need some fucking stitches. But most of all, I needed to put some distance between me and the men who were staring at me with hard dicks and hunger in their eyes.

Chapter Eleven


Keelie clutched her cheek, blood leaking down her fingers as Shasta made a quick exit from the room. Every dick was hard as fuck watching her insert her dominance over the other girls. But she had a point. None of the girls who hung around the club would ever be claimed by any of us. The sad part was, the more we played with them, the more their delusions of a happily ever-after grew and danced in their heads.

“Wasp,” she cried out. “Please, help me.”

Every man turned to look at me, but I wasn’t having any of it. If I helped her, it made me look weak. Not to mention, it would give her the wrong idea about us. That she actually meant something more to me than what I made her to be. I couldn’t have that. Things were getting too messy, and the only way to clean up the mess was to wash my hands of her for good.

A strong grip clutched my shoulder, and when I turned, I found Sabbath standing there glaring at me, looking like he was high as fuck and on something.

“We need to talk,” he growled. Alcohol was heavy on his breath, and it made me wonder if that’s why he hasn’t been around? It’s a known fact that Skid has a major drug and alcohol addiction, and both he and Sabbath had been gone for over a week. I wasn’t jumping to any conclusions since Priest had disappeared with them as well, but if I had to guess from their cheery dispositions, both had been on a major bender this week.

All of us liked to get high and play with the hard stuff every once in a while, but Skid had a true addiction, one that he couldn’t break, and used as a screen to hide who he really was from the rest of the club.

Sabbath pushed me toward the hallway, and didn’t stop until he and I were alone in his bedroom.

His fist connected with my face, and it took everything in me not to punch him back when my fists started clenching by my sides.

“What the fuck was that for?” I growled.

“You said something, didn’t you?”

Tags: Quinn Ryder Erotic