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“Jos lost track of time, and she’s in the middle of something,” he explains as he pockets his phone. “I need to run over and pick up Roxy from school.”

Whatever frustration I felt has evaporated. How can I be upset that he’s rushing off to be with his youngest sister?

“I want a rain check on that dessert,” he tells me, his finger still wrapped around my belt loop. “Soon, Ava.”

“Soon,” I repeat.

His gaze wanders over my head to the approaching traffic. “Let me get you in a cab so you can head home.”

Tilting my head back, I take in a lungful of air. “It’s a beautiful day. I’m going to walk for a bit.”

His top teeth scrape over his bottom lip. “Stay out of trouble, London.”

I pat the lapel of his jacket. “What fun is that?”

He glances to the left and then the right as if he’s searching for something or someone. “I’d kiss you goodbye, but…”

But someone might see us.

The unspoken words sit between us as his hand drops away from me.

“You better get going,” I encourage him. “Roxy is waiting.”

His gaze drops to the watch on his wrist. “Fuck, yes. Dismissal is in ten minutes.”

He makes his way to the corner without another word to me. I wait for him to turn for one last glance, but it never comes, so I head in the opposite direction searching for a way to fill my time that doesn’t include thinking non-stop about him.

“AVA!” Alexander smiles as he sees me standing in the reception area of the school he named after his late mother, Anna Donato.

I had nothing but time.

After leaving Nova, I wandered a few blocks before hopping on the subway to go home.

Once there, I changed out of my belated birthday lunch outfit into jeans, a white T-shirt, and a blue cardigan before I sat down at the piano to continue working on my composition. Nothing sparked inside me, so I decided a strong cup of coffee from a nearby café might do the trick.

It was there, while I was waiting in line, that I received a text message from Alex asking if I could stop in to see him.

I forgot about the coffee, got back on the subway, and headed straight to midtown to this old off-Broadway theater that now houses his school.

“I’m glad you asked me to stop in,” I counter. “How are you?”

Since our first meeting, I’ve had time to absorb the fact that he enjoys my work. I’m grateful for that because this time, I’m not a blubbering mess who can’t form a fully coherent sentence.

“Good.” He motions toward a door. “There is someone here that is dying to meet you.”

I shoot him a smile. “Who?”

“Charity,” he says. “She’s twelve. She has talent beyond her years, and when I mentioned meeting you the other day, she confessed that she’s a fan too. She stumbled on a few videos online of you performing.”

I know exactly what videos he’s talking about. A few of my friends from school in London met up at a pub one night, and we took turns showcasing our talents to entertain the patrons. We enjoyed it so much that we continued the tradition once a month until winter break. When school started again, our schedules didn’t leave time for pub performances, so they fell to the wayside.

“I’d love to meet her,” I say excitedly.

Alex grins. “Come with me. You’re about to make her day.”



At any other time, the soft knock at the door would seem innocuous, but tonight there’s far more weight behind it and the promise of a night I won’t soon forget.

I trod barefoot across the hardwood floor, double-checking my attire.

I think I know what she’ll say when I open the door. She’ll make some cute remark about me being dressed very casually.

That’s what I’m going for because the clothes I’m wearing are meant to be very temporary.

I lured Ava here with the promise of a home-cooked meal, but before that happens, I plan on collecting the dessert I missed out on yesterday.

I’ll have her naked in my bed with my cock buried inside her within the next fifteen minutes.

I swing open the door just at the moment her teeth are latched onto her bottom lip.

Fuck me.

If the sight of her isn’t enough to rouse my cock, the reminder of what it felt like to have those teeth scraping against my skin is.

I’ve had countless blow jobs in my life, but when Ava went down on me, it was a perfect fusion of lips, tongue, and teeth.

I want more of that.

“Come in.” I motion for her to enter.

She does as she rakes me from head to toe. “Did I interrupt you while you were getting dressed?”

I glance down at my open button-down shirt and the faded jeans. “No.”

I debated whether or not to button the shirt but decided against it since she enjoyed what she saw the other night.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance