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That was never for me. My one and only shining moment in the world of science was when I won the award for my innovative take on blowing the biggest bubble possible.

“Good.” Harry takes a sip from the wine glass in his hand. “Ramona is heading to France on Friday. Roxy will hang out with me for a week and a half.”

“Your mom is jetting off to France?” Sean asks. “Why the fuck?”

Laughter settles over the table as Harry shakes his head. “Why the fuck do you think?”

Sean’s laughter fades, but in its place, a huge smile slides over his lips. “Looks like Harry’s getting another new step daddy.”

“Fuck you,” Harrison tosses that out with a finger pointed at my brother.

Sean blows him a kiss in response. “Bring Roxy over for dinner one night. You know how much she likes hanging out with your best friend.”

Harry’s gaze darts to me before it lands on Sean’s face. “Will do.”

“Who took these pictures?” I glance at my future sister-in-law’s face as she approaches where I’m standing.

She grins. “I did.”

I’m stunned. When I first entered Sean and Callie’s apartment the other day, I didn’t take the time to soak in everything.

Tonight, I wandered around the living room once dinner was over. Sean and Callie retreated to the kitchen to tidy up. Declan and Harrison discussed Ryden’s upcoming season with the New York Falcons, and I took a moment to breathe.

Sitting across from Harry during dinner was an exercise in restraint for me. I struggled not to steal glances at him every thirty seconds.

It’s only a matter of minutes now until I can excuse myself to go back to Declan’s apartment.

I run a finger over the frame of a photograph of the outside of this building. It shouldn’t be as breathtaking as it is, but because it’s black and white and the lights around it are hitting the entrance at just the right angle, it looks almost magical.

“You’re incredibly talented, Callie.”

She wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Your brother inspired all of this.”

“Sean inspired this?” I chuckle.

“Damn right, I did.” Sean moves to stand next to his fiancée. “Calliope inspires me every damn day too. I’m a better man because of her.”

I glance up at his face. “You’re one of the best men I know.”

“Thanks, Ava.” He smiles. “You should check out the photograph hanging in the hallway near our bedroom. It’s one of Calliope’s latest and greatest.”

Curiosity nips at me, so I take a step back. “I’m going to look now.”

“I’ll get a print of it framed for your apartment,” Callie offers as I walk away. “It’ll be a housewarming gift.”

I look over my shoulder to see her and my brother staring into each other’s eyes.

Not everyone finds love like that, but I hope one day I do.



I watch Ava disappear down the hallway and view this as my chance to steal a moment alone with her.

“If you’ll excuse me,” I say to Declan.

“Sure.” He pats me on the forearm. “Tell Ryden I’ll be the one he hears cheering loudest in the crowd when the season ramps up again.”

Sean’s brother is proving to be as supportive of my brother’s career as I am. He invested in season tickets to watch Ryden play during every home game. I’ve also got a block of a dozen seats purchased for the upcoming season. I can hand those off to anyone and everyone interested in seeing my younger brother show off his skills on the ice.

I haven’t told Ryden about the seats. He’d give me hell for it because he offered me a pair months ago. I told him to pass those on to Joslyn. He jokingly told me to go to hell, but I made it clear that I’d be in the arena whenever possible. That was good enough for him.

Declan heads toward his brother, so I make a dash for the hallway.

As soon as I enter it, I spot Ava twenty feet away, standing in front of a framed photograph.

I know the story behind that picture. Callie explained it one night when I dropped by for a beer.

Every photograph she takes holds a special meaning to her or the person who commissions her work.

I’ve told her repeatedly to ditch her job at Wells to pursue her passion for photography full-time, but she enjoys working with Sean too much to give that up.

As soon as Ava hears the scuff of my shoes against the floor, she turns her head in my direction.

A slight smile tugs at her lips. “Hey.”

I respond with a nod. “I need to speak with you.”

Her smile fades slightly. “About?”

I wait until I’m close enough to her that I can lower my voice. I don’t need Sean or Declan to overhear this.

“I had your dress cleaned, Ava.”

Her brows jump in surprise. “Why would you do that? I threw it away because it wasn’t expensive and was stained. I tossed the clutch in the trash at Decky’s when I got back to his apartment because all the rhinestones were falling off it. It was a last minute outfit that served its purpose.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance