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As the elevator speeds toward the lobby, the man introduces himself as Casey Bunchen. They settle into a discussion about Joe and his senior position with one of the companies Harrison’s grandfather founded decades ago.

When the car finally stops, and the doors begin to slide open, Casey makes a hasty introduction of his wife to Harrison.

I stand with my ass resting against the handrail on the wall wishing they’d all clear out so I could get out of here.

When I dropped by to visit my brothers at work, I had no idea I’d run into my former crush. It makes sense, though, since Harrison is Sean’s best friend.

I was already on the elevator with seven other people when Harrison stepped on. It was one of those dramatic moments when the doors are sliding shut, and a large hand reaches out to stop their path, triggering them to reopen.

When they did, Harrison was standing there looking like the six-foot-two-inch dream that he is. Broad shoulders, smoldering good looks, and intoxicating cologne are just a few of the attributes that make him impossible to ignore.

He stepped into the car, turned to face the doors, and began his subtle visual exploration of the women surrounding him.

One with curly black hair and dark red lipstick was bold enough to introduce herself to him as the elevator began its descent. She offered a name that sounded like Sheri, or was it Cherry?

He nodded without a word and then shifted his attention to the blonde-haired woman next to her.

It was a subtle brush-off that transformed the first woman’s grin into an unmistakable disappointed frown. She couldn’t keep Harrison’s interest for more than ten seconds. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment sending her fingers to the elevator panel. She pressed the button for the next floor and hurried off as soon as the doors opened.

As the elevator continued its downward trek, people exited, and others stepped in. Harrison didn’t miss an opportunity to check out every woman that took a spot next to him.

The journey to the lobby of this building has been long since I boarded on the top floor. That’s where my brothers spend all their time making all their money.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they were doing when I showed up unannounced. Sean’s assistant told me he was in a meeting and couldn’t be disturbed. He also whispered that Declan was on a conference call and that interrupting him would be a huge mistake, so I turned around and left.

So far, my surprise return to Manhattan has been a dud.

Declan was happy to see me when I unexpectedly showed up at his apartment last night, but Sean has been a ghost since then. I’ll have to hunt him down later today.

I shake off the self-indulgent pity party to watch Casey and his wife exit the elevator with a glance back at Harrison.

I wait for him to follow, but he abruptly turns to face me. I offer him a polite smile. “If you’ll excuse me.”

His gaze drops, and I wonder if he’s checking out my tits because as short and tight as this dress is, none of that compares to the neckline. It’s a sweetheart of a thing that reveals the tops of my breasts.

Again, my mom would rip this off of me and burn it if she caught a glimpse of me strutting down the sidewalk in this dress and the three-inch nude heels I’m wearing.

“You like London,” Harrison says.

I glance at the silver charm bracelet that is almost always on my left wrist. It was a gift from my parents when I moved across the ocean. Since then, I’ve collected many charms related to my favorite place on earth.

“You’ve got Buckingham Palace, a teapot, a double-decker bus…”

“I love London,” I interrupt him.

His gaze trails up my body to my face. “So you’ve been there?”

“I was born there,” I say softly.

“Yet, no accent.” He touches his ear lobe. “Or at least none that I can hear.”

I don’t need to get into my life history with him since he knows most of it. He just doesn’t realize it.

“What’s your name?” He takes a half step closer to me as I glance past him to the sanctity of the lobby beyond.

The elevator doors begin to slide shut, so I scoot around him and press a finger against the button to open the doors wide again.

I look at Harrison. “You know my name.”

He shakes his head. The bite on the corner of his bottom lip is unexpected and new material for my fantasies. I haven’t touched myself when thinking about him for years, but I’m all for nostalgic experiences.

I nod. “You do.”

“I’d remember you,” he says in a voice that is far too intense for this conversation.

That’s a bedroom voice reserved for moments when a woman is on the precipice of a climax. It’s not that I’ve ever been with a man who has a voice like that, but a girl can dream.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance