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“When Sean was here last night, he mentioned that you’re staying with Declan,” he says as he puts half of a delicious-looking omelet on a blue and white patterned plate set out before me. There are already a few strawberries on the plate, and some fragrant orange segments.

I keep my gaze on the food. “For a couple more days.”

I watch as he slides the other half of the omelet onto a second plate in front of him. His hands are large, and as my gaze wanders up to his wrist, I catch sight of a silver cufflink with a K monogram.

“That’s a short trip,” he says. “You’re headed back to London already?”

For some unexplainable reason, I want to hear disappointment in his tone, but it’s not there. If anything, he sounds surprised by the idea that I’d be leaving town so soon after arriving.

“No.” I finally gaze up at his face. “I’m on semester break right now. I rented an apartment in the city for a couple of months.”

His brows perk. “I see.”

Panic sets in because I opened my big mouth and shot out a secret. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention that to Sean. I haven’t told him yet.”

“I won’t say a word, and if we’re clarifying what Sean should and shouldn’t know, I think…”

“That we should keep last night between us,” I say what I hope he’s thinking.

“Agreed.” He gestures to the fork sitting atop a linen napkin next to the plate in front of me. “Eat, Ava.”

I dig in and take a bite of the omelet. It’s pure heaven, so I tell him as much. “This is really good, Harry.”

His eyes catch mine. “Why didn’t you tell me who you were in the elevator?”

Honesty may be the best policy, but it can also be embarrassing. I didn’t come right out and say my name because I liked how he looked at me when he didn’t know who I was. I enjoyed the brief moment that passed between us in the elevator.

I set down my fork and sigh. “It was fun seeing you view me through a lens that made me unrecognizable to you.”

He huffs out a laugh. “You have changed.”

“You saw me through that same lens at the bar.” I pick up the mug of coffee and take a small sip. “I came here with you last night with the intention of telling you I was Sean’s sister.”

“We almost kissed,” he points out. “I almost kissed you, Ava.”

A part of me wishes he had.

“I don’t know what would have happened if your brother hadn’t shown up.” He tilts his head back. “I just don’t know.”

“I would have told you before anything happened,” I confess.

His left eyebrow cocks. “Are you sure about that?”

I nod. “Everyone deserves to know the truth about who they’re sleeping with.”

He takes another bite of omelet, so I pick up my fork and do the same.

We spend the rest of the meal eating in silence, stealing glances at each other as I wonder what would have happened last night if I had told him my name.

As much as I want to believe that he would have still taken me to his bed, I know it’s much more likely that he would have put me in an Uber and sent me home.

He wipes the napkin over his lips before finishing the coffee in his mug. “It goes without saying that what almost happened last night can never happen. We both understand that, right?”

“Right,” I whisper.

“Ava?” His deep voice lures my gaze to his again.


He exhales sharply. “You’re a beautiful woman, and from what Sean tells me, you’re incredibly talented too. I’m glad I got to spend a few hours with you on your birthday, even if the night went to hell.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I’m glad too, Harry. You made it a birthday I’ll never forget.”



“A rideshare is coming.” Ava glances toward my front door. “Decky must have left by now, so I can head to his apartment. You’re sure I’m not keeping you from work?”

She is, but I called my assistant and had her reschedule my first meeting of the day. I didn’t want to chase Ava out of here before she was ready.

“It’s fine,” I tell her. “You’ve got everything?”

Her gaze drops to the clutch purse in her left hand. “Everything I need.”

I shove my hands into the front pockets of my pants because I’m itching to embrace her before she walks out of here.

I can’t imagine a scenario where I’ll ever be alone with her again.

Even if I manage to avoid her for the next two months, I’m sure she’ll be back in New York for Sean’s wedding, and I imagine when the baby is born too.

“Sean showed up kind of late last night,” she says as if she can read my mind. “Does he do that often?”

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance