Page 39 of Fighting for King

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Dad jerked his chin in a tight nod. “Sure. Okay.”

But I could tell he didn’t believe me. He was still suspicious that something more was going on.

“Anything you want to add, Mom?”

She’d been suspiciously subdued at my side.

Mom pursed her lips. “Just that he’s more attractive in person than I ever thought possible.”

“What?” I jerked my head in the direction she was staring and found Kingston standing on his trailer steps with Zoe on his hip.

And judging by his face, he’d clearly heard more than I wanted him to.

Eff my life.

Chapter Eleven

Still Briar

I should’ve known this would be a mistake the second King had suggested it. Why had I agreed to bring my parents to set to meet him? I’d be lucky to still have my job at the end of this little meeting.

More than likely at least two of us would end up with restraining orders.

“Are you two going to behave?” I hissed, as my parents and I stood twenty feet away from Kingston’s trailer, with him waiting on the stairs for us to join him.

“Of course, honey,” Mom chirped.

“Dad?” I asked.

He inclined his head.

And yet their assurances did little to calm my fears. This was going to be a shitshow. I just knew it.

But it was too late to back out now, so I put on my brave face and marched over to King and Zoe. “King, this is my mom, Cheryl, and my dad, Sean.”

I hadn’t even finished the introductions when Zoe dove out of King’s hands toward me. I lunged toward her on instinct—visions of her crashing down the metal stairs making my heart race.

“Whoa,” King grunted as he fought to hold on to her, which only clumsily brought us close together. And since he was still two steps above me on the stairs, my lunging for Zoe only brought my face awkwardly close to Kingston’s crotch.

King laughed unsteadily as he jostled to hold Zoe. “She’s never done that before.”

“Bwi-are!” Zoe blinked down at me with a frown. “Want Bwi-are!”

I smiled reassuringly at the little girl as I took a step back. “Right? You’re the one she’s always diving for.”

“That must mean she loves you.” My mom beamed as she joined me at the bottom of the stairs. “My Briar has always had a way with children. I thought she’d have a whole herd of her own by now.”

I closed my eyes in anguish. I know she meant it in the most positive way—an affirmation of his decision to hire me. But all I heard was my failure. My failure to carry a baby. My failure to give her grandchildren. The offhanded mention of my infertility was eviscerating.

But I couldn’t say anything.

I couldn’t. Not here. Not in front ofhim.

I had to grit my teeth and move on. “Maybe we should head inside?”

Maybe if I diverted her attention, she wouldn’t bring up my single status or how badly I wanted but failed at having children.

“Bwi-are!” Zoe squealed again.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance