Page 27 of Fighting for King

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“And what’s she going to think when she looks up the headlines fifteen years from now and sees everything they’re saying about you? When she sees that you didn’t even defend yourself?”

I huffed in annoyance but didn’t say anything.

“You can’t control what other people say or think about you. But you can try to get your side of the story out there. And I think you owe it to Future Zoe to try.”

Why did she have to sound so reasonable? “I’ll think about it, Jayne. Okay? That’s the best I can give you right now.”

“I’ll take it. We’ll talk later.”

“Yeah. Thanks. Oh, remind your husband it’s his turn to host our monthly poker night.”

“Like you have time to go.”

“Hey, I have a responsible nanny now. I’ve got more time than I ever have before. I bet I can make it.”

“Ha. I happen to know for a fact you only show up when it’s your turn to host because you never want to be away from my beautiful goddaughter. But sure. I’ll pass your message on to Ben.”

“I’m coming this time. I swear.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it. Talk to you later.”


I slid my phone into my pocket and ignored the very tempting soft couch and headed for the stairs instead. If I collapsed on my couch, I’d be there all night and have a crick in my neck tomorrow.

I might’ve been talking from experience.

Instead, I trudged up the stairs like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. Today had been long. Between Aaron Edwards showing up to set drunk, the article with Zoe and Briar and all the craziness of arranging a bodyguard for them, and the phone call with my publicist, I was exhausted. I just wanted to find my bed and sleep for a year or two.

And yet, I couldn’t resist peeking in on my little girl. I might’ve been tired as hell, but I needed to see her before I went to bed.

I almost stepped on Briar before I saw her.

Curled up on the floor next to Zoe’s bed, Briar was fast asleep, her hand curled around the bed frame next to Zoe’s head. The two of them snored softly in rhythm. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Zoe was a handful at bedtime. She never wanted to sleep. I think she was afraid she’d miss something big.

But I knew from experience just how uncomfortable the floor in Zoe’s room was. I couldn’t let Briar sleep all night there.

I leaned down and gently shook her shoulder.

Briar groaned and curled into herself.

Damn, that was cute.

And not something I should be thinking.

Annoyed at myself, I shook her shoulder a little harder.

She curled away from me again.

I was debating between leaving her or picking her up when she opened her eyes and gasped. She sat up and moved to put herself between me and Zoe before I could reassure her.

“Briar, it’s me,” I whispered. “I didn’t think you wanted to sleep all night on the floor.”

“Oh. King.” Her hand came up and pressed against the center of her chest. “You scared me.”

I tried not to notice how the movement pulled her shirt to outline her tits or the fact that she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra. Damn. Shaking my head, I muttered, “Sorry.”

I didn’t know if I was apologizing for scaring her or for my un-boss-like thoughts.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance