Page 96 of Falling for Rome

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The film, which comes after a highly competitive bidding war, will co-star Golden Globe winnerClaire Woodwardand Academy Award nomineeJacob Norton.

Lost Heartis scheduled to launch theatrically next June. Roman Grier will play a construction worker whose life is thrown into chaos when his grandfather, a respected historian (Jacob Norton) dies, and Grier’s character is left with a map encompassing his grandfather’s life’s work tracking down the lost treasure of an infamous bank robber. The cast will also includeAudrey Arcadia,Gary Elves,Josh Sullivan, andHarrison Gibbs.



“And the nominees for best original screenplay are…Sophia Scott forLost Heart.”

“Oh my god.” I threw my pillow at Rome’s head. “You are ridiculous.”

He ducked it easily and continued to act like he was reading from his mimed notecard as he stood at the end of our bed. “That White Dude forI Didn’t See the Movie, Two More White Dudes forPretentious Film No One Saw, Overrated Douche #2 forI Fell Asleep Watching His Movie, and Loser #5 forWeird Acid Dream Movie. And the Oscar goes to… Sophia Scott forLost Heart.”

He faked the roar of a crowd while I giggled and searched for another pillow to chuck at him.

“You are ridiculous. There’s no way my movie is going to be nominated for anything. I’m just amazed it’s actually being made. And my name is on it.”

“Never say never.” Rome beamed as he bounced down on the bed beside me. He pulled me close to him and nuzzled my neck. “Still, it’s a great feeling to see your name written up in the trades, right?”

“Would’ve been better if my name was in the headline,” I teased. “I guess I’ll have to get used to being Roman Grier’s fiancée.” I pulled back slightly to preen at the ginormous rock on my left ring finger.

Rome had offered to buy a new, untainted ring, given everything that had happened with his brother and the media, but I really liked this one. Rome had picked it out himself and intended for me to wear it—even if his original motives were questionable, his taste was not.

“I don’t know. How soon will it take to change it to Roman Grier’swife?”

I groaned and fell back into my pillow dramatically. “I just agreed to marry you. Do we really have to plan the wedding now?”

“Who said anything about planning? I vote you and me jet off to Vegas and get married in a tacky chapel, preferably by an Elvis impersonator.”

“Are you serious?”

“Well, it doesn’t have to be an Elvis impersonator. We can just do a regular justice of the peace or whatever.”

“Not about Elvis, about eloping. You seriously want to elope?”

“I’d marry you tomorrow if you’d let me.”

“Rome.” I leaned over and kissed him softly. He still had the power to make my heart skip a beat with his sweet words. I hoped that never changed.

“So what do you say? You, me, and a tacky Elvis in a sequined suit?”

“Hmmm, you know I’ve never been to Vegas. How about you make it a young Elvis impersonator, and you got yourself a deal.”

“Really?” Rome’s eye bulged. “You’re not teasing?”

“I’m not teasing. I’ll marry you tomorrow.” I leaned toward him, ready for his kiss when he bounced across the bed—away from me—and lunged for his cell phone.

“Hot damn!” Rome squealed like a little boy on Christmas morning. “Pack a bag, and I’ll sort out everything else. Let’s see. Private plane. A suite at the best hotel. What do we need to get a marriage license in Vegas? ID? Do you have your birth certificate?”

I grinned as I watched him call up Jeff and plan what he claimed would be the best day of our lives.

But he was wrong. The best day of my life was every day I spent with him.

I couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

“Hey Sophia, do you know if your mom has tomorrow off?”

I blinked. “Is it technically eloping if we’re bringing my parents?”

“We need witnesses, and I doubt your mom would ever forgive me if I made her miss her baby girl’s wedding day. Besides, my brothers are coming. Shouldn’t your family be there too?”

I laughed. Leave it to Rome to elope in the most spectacular, crazy way. He made everything an over the top, fantastic adventure, and his exuberance only showed how much he loved me.

It was the reason I couldn’t help falling for Rome.


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