Page 27 of Falling for Rome

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I bit back the urge to groan and fought really hard to stay positive. “I imagine she saw it on social media.” Along with the rest of the world. “And Rome is a great guy. But I don’t need to tell you that. Weren’t you the one who dragged me to see him inSWAKlast summer? I thought you were a fan.”

“Just because I like an actor, doesn’t mean I want my daughter dating him! Are you crazy, Sophia? Do you know the kind of lifestyle they lead? You’ll get caught up in the drugs and parties and who knows what else!”

“Oh my god, Mom. You’re being ridiculous.”

“No, you’re being ridiculous. I knew nothing good would come out of you moving out there. Two years, and the closest you’ve come to selling one of your stories is sleeping with some actor? Is that why you’re doing this? You’re trying to get ahead by getting on your back? That’s not the daughter I raised.”

I flinched like I’d been slapped. Because I had. How could she think that of me? Didn’t she know me at all? I was so sick of not measuring up. Of never being the daughter my mom wanted.

“No, you raised a daughter who ran from home the second I had the ability to do so. You raised a daughter who is fighting for her dreams with everything she has.” Tears burned my eyes, but I’d be damned if I let them fall. “Thanks for thinking so much of me and my abilities. I’m sorry I’m embarrassing you. Feel free to disavow me the next time someone asks about me.”

I punched the red end call button as hard as I could.

But it wasn’t enough. I could still hear her disappointed and judging tone ringing in my ears. Lord knew I’d heard it enough my entire life.

Why couldn’t my dad have called? At least he’d give me a chance to defend myself, and he’d never say such ugly things to me.

My phone screen stared tauntingly back at me. The huge red numbers on my social media apps let me know I had hundreds of unread messages and notifications waiting. I was sure they all had an equally loving tone to them.

Suddenly, this felt like a monumental task. Dating a celebrity. Having my picture taken. Keeping my mouth shut.

How was I going to do this?

Rome cleared his throat. “I, uh, take it that your mom doesn’t approve?”

I laughed bitterly. “That’s putting it mildly.”

“You could tell her, if it would help. As long as she agrees to sign an NDA too.”

“It doesn’t matter. It wouldn’t help.” I turned off my phone and shoved it into my bag. No one else was going to call me tonight. Or ever maybe. “I have…let’s call it a difficult relationship with my mom. She’s never approved of me moving out here and she definitely doesn’t approve of us, even though we’re not really even dating.”

I stared out the window at the traffic around us. We were all but crawling along the highway. And for once I was glad for traffic. With the way I felt right now, I really didn’t want anyone taking my picture.

“Maybe we should start a club.”

Rome’s dry voice cut through my thoughts.

“What’s that?”

“Nothing. Just… I’ve got a crazy Mom. So I get it.”

I smiled. It wasn’t much, but it felt like a tenuous bond was forming between us. “My relationship with my mom is challenging, but my dad and I are really close. He’s a writer, too, so he gets me—more than my mom does.”

“It’s great that you have that. To be honest, I’m not even sure what country my dad is in. He works in the oil industry, so he moves around a lot. I guess I’m closer to my brothers.”

I gave a small, uncomfortable laugh. “I am not close to my brother at all. My mom loves to hold him over my head as an example of what I should be doing.”

“Which is what?”

“Married and popping out babies like it’s my vocation.” I lifted a shoulder as I looked at Rome’s profile. “That’s not to say I don’t like kids, I do. Zoe is ridiculously cute.”

“And so were you with her.”

My face heated, and I had to look away. “Right. Thanks. But um, I’m not ready for my own kids, you know? I want to get going in my career. I want to make a go of it with screen writing. I’m not even thirty yet. There’s plenty of time for kids and love and marriage later. Not necessarily in that order.”

“Makes sense.” Rome shot me a quick look. “You think any more about what we talked about yesterday?”

I blinked. “Uh yeah. That’s why I’m here. I agreed to date you to take media pressure off your brother, right?”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance