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One great kiss after a lifetime of friendship and longing didn’t change that. But maybe another kiss would help me get over the effects of it. His kiss last night may have been better than Tanner’s only because of its rarity. Another few kisses and the unusual would become usual, and then I’d be sure that Josh paled in comparison to the angst-free connection I was forming with Tanner.

I leaned forward.

Josh leaned back. “I want to talk.”

I pulled up short and blinked at him. “Talk? Why do you want to talk?”

He gave a nervous laugh. “Strange, right? I know.”

I shook my head. “No talking.”

“Why not?”

I huffed. “Because I don’t want to talk. I’ve got better things to do with my mouth.”

He narrowed his eyes. “But you came over here to talk to me.”

“No. I very specifically came over here to kiss you. I think I made that abundantly clear.”

He gaped at me. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m deadly serious.”

He rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you want to talk?”

“Because talking won’t do any good. But if I kiss you some more and see how ordinary it is—how much last night was just a blip—then Tanner and I can go our merry way, and I’ll never have to think about you again.”

“No.” He stood.

“No what?”

“No, I’m not kissing you just so you can go on your merry way with Tanner and never think of me again. I won’t do it. I’m saving my kisses for the real thing.”

I slammed my arms together. “That wasn’t the story last night. You were giving them away like beads at Mardi Gras last night.”

“Last night was a one-time thing.”

“Aha!” I stood and poked a finger at his face.

He pushed it aside. “Aha, what?”

“You just said it was an anomaly. A one-time occurrence. Completely irreplicable.”

A gleam came into his eyes. “So you think—youreallythink—that you can disprove whatenormouseffect I apparently had on you last night by kissing me again?”

“Absolutely.” A tiny scoop of doubt made its way into my voice. “One more kiss. Maybe two. Three at the most.”

“Very well. I agree.”

“You agree?”

“Yes, I heartily concur. I give my consent. I offer up my body in the name of science. Let’s start all the kissing. Talking is for therapy.”

I grinned. “I’m glad you see it my way.”

He cocked an eyebrow, but he didn’t argue. In fact, he didn’t even protest when I tackled him onto the bed.

“Oof!” he grunted out when I landed. His legs were bent at the knees, and he was mostly on the bed. I was straddled somewhere across his middle. I sat up.

Tags: Brenda Lowder Romance