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“Hey, that mannequin looks like Josh.”

Startled out of my thoughts, I followed her gaze back to the window and my guy on the bike. “No, he doesn’t.”

Her mouth pinched. “Yeah, he does.”

“No, he doesn’t.” I frowned, a tinge of unease creeping into my gut. She was only saying that Tanner looked like Josh to mess with my head. Tanner was nothing like Josh.

“Yes, he does.” She turned to look at me and gave a half laugh. “Have you been standing here for an hour staring at this dummy because you’re still obsessed with Josh?”

My blood insta-boiled to a thousand degrees. “No! And I was never obsessed with Josh.”

She snorted and nodded at the glass. “You coming here to stare at a mannequin that looks like Josh makes a lot more sense than you being interested in exercise equipment.”

I shook my head and shoved my hands in my pockets. “That model doesn’t look anything like Josh.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. You were the one in love with the guy your entire life. I guess you’d know.”

I huffed. A tight band was wrapping itself around my chest. “I was never in love with Josh. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Hey! Did I miss him?” Isla jogged up to us, panting, and prevented my sister from speaking the nextwhateverI was sure was on her lips.

“Isla!” Lindsay grabbed my best friend and hugged her. Everyone loved Isla. “I was wondering when I’d get to see you!”

Isla smiled. “Well, I had to come into the city and get a look at Margot’s new boyfr—”

At my frantic headshaking behind Lindsay, Isla cut off her sentence midword and made a verbal pivot. “Boy…shorts. Boy shorts, right? Or was it boy pants? Must have been pants.” They both peered down at my black, straight-legged trousers with the pressed cuffs.

Lindsay wrinkled her nose. “Okay. Weird. But I’m glad you’re here. You’re still coming to my wedding, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Glad you and Troy are riding off into the sunset. And I have to admit I’ve always wanted to get a look at the Rainbow Room. So glamorous.”

Lindsay smiled and executed an elaborate sigh. There was nothing she liked more than people complimenting her wedding selections. “We’re looking forward to celebrating our love.”

“I’ll bet.” Isla pivoted toward the display window. “That is some serious exercise experience right there. It’s like a whole lifestyle.”

“I know, right?” Lindsay bounced on her toes while she put her hands together in a flurry of claps. “Troy and I are getting one. Margot says she’s going to get one too.” She shot a sidelong glance at me. “She can wear herboy pantswhile she rides.” Lindsay laughed, staring at my pants. I kept myself from looking down. Isla nodded but refrained from laughing, no doubt out of loyalty to me. She turned back to the window and studied my mannequin. After a few seconds she put her hand on her chin. “Huh. He looks a lot like Josh.”

Lindsay laughed and elbowed me in the side. “See? Didn’t I tell you?”

Isla frowned and stepped closer to the window. “He doesn’t look real.”

Lindsay gave her an odd look. “Of course he’s not real. He’s plastic. Or painted plaster or something. He’s a mannequin.”

“Oh, yeah.” Isla’s tone was noncommittal.

“Actually, Lindsay, inthe N.Y.C.they often have window displays that feature live models posing as mannequins,” I said with newfound authority.

She shook her head. “Not that one.” She stuck her hands in her pockets. “I’ve gotta go. Lots of wedding stuff to do before I can go to Bora Bora!”

“Wow. Yeah. Best wishes, Linds,” Isla said as she and Lindsay embraced again and kissed cheeks, then Lindsay was off with a wave.

When Lindsay was out of earshot, Isla said, “So this is the guy?” Her tone held a strange quality, something doubtful but caring.

My pulse quickened. It was always nerve-racking when your best friend gave her first feedback on your new guy. “Yeah. What do you think?”

She studied him before turning to me. “It’s hard to see him well in the middle of all that high-res scenery, but he’s cute.” Her brow furrowed. “He doesn’t even look real.”

“I know. Those abs.” I licked my lips, barely noticing what I was doing. “He must work out all the time.”

Tags: Brenda Lowder Romance