Page 13 of All I Need

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“Is that it then?” he murmured as he crossed the room.

My pulse kicked up a notch. “I don’t know,” I whispered. “Maybe.”

He took another stride and then sat on the couch beside me. “This couch wasn’t here before,” I said incongruously.

It was a large U-shaped sectional, a perfect size for the expansive room and situated facing the fireplace. With plenty of cushions, it was very comfortable. I didn’t even feel bad about Noah sleeping down here.

“No, we didn’t have this before. We just got it last year.” His arm stretched across my shoulders, and we fell quiet. Desire curled around us like wisps of smoke. While almost nothing was happening, my breath felt short and my pulse skittered out of control.

Noah’s fingers began tracing along my collarbone, where his hand rested on the edge of my shoulder. All of my awareness narrowed to that strip of skin under his fingertips. Who knew my collarbone was an erogenous zone? I certainly didn’t.

Heat radiated like licks of fire from that one point, and I almost moaned when his thumb dragged in a lazy stroke along the base of my throat. This was seduction by increments, and I didn’t know if I could take it.

Restless, I turned to him. “Kiss me,” I whispered in a raspy command.

“As you wish.” He held my gaze when his lips brushed over mine, and it felt as if lightning sizzled through me, every nerve set alight.

And then, we tumbled into kiss upon kiss upon kiss. It was all sensation—bold strokes of his tongue, lazy nibbles on my bottom lip, hot kisses dropped at the corners of my mouth, and then his lips sliding over mine again and his tongue claiming my mouth.

I was lost, spinning in a riptide of need and fierce desire. I distantly heard little sounds coming from my throat, a broken moan, a ragged whimper. Somehow, I found myself straddling him on the couch. I felt the hard press of his arousal just under my core, and I wanted him inside me. Now.

“Noah,” I gasped, “I need…”

I was lost in another devouring kiss as he cupped my breasts with his palms, his thumbs brushing back and forth across the tight peaks of my nipples. I tried again. “I need…”

He dipped his head, his mouth closing on my nipple through my shirt. With a gasp, my fingers speared his hair. My hips were rocking restlessly, and I felt as if I were already standing on the precipice of a cataclysmic release, which I knew would shake me to my core.

Then he lifted his head, his lips stringing kisses along my sensitive collarbone before he nipped lightly at my ear. I shivered all over, restless and needy in his lap. “Noah, I need…”

Apparently, I was a broken record.

He lifted his head, and I felt his palm slide up to cup my cheek. “Look at me, Sasha.”

His gravelly command had my eyes dragging open with an effort. His gaze was hot and deliciously commanding. “We’re not rushing. I’m in charge.”

My mouth dropped open. “What if I want to be in charge?” I retorted.

He hummed. “Next time. Maybe.”

I was about to argue the point, but that was kind of difficult when he planted another one of his masterful kisses on me. I wondered if it was possible to climax just from a kiss. Well, a kiss and the pressure of his arousal against my clit.

I was feeling greedy and needy, and I wanted more. I broke free from our kiss, panting before I gasped, “Take your shirt off.”

His eyes held mine in the flickering firelight. He looked way too in control. “We’ll get to that.”

I let out an annoyed sigh, rocking restlessly over his arousal again and protesting, “You know you want to.”

“Oh, I do. Just as I didn’t fuck you against my car in the parking lot, I’m not going to rush this. We can rush another time.”

He distracted me by dragging his tongue in a slow lick along the side of my neck, then sliding his palms under my shirt and deftly undoing my bra. The feel of his palms, warm on my bare skin, elicited a ragged moan.

Restless though I was, Noah kept me entirely occupied. He teased my nipples, peeled off my blouse, and somewhere along the way, I tossed off my camisole and bra. He blessedly took off his shirt when I asked again. Begging was a better description of what I did.

He felt decadent, strong and muscled, just as I’d imagined but even better. He had a dusting of hair on his chest that narrowed down over his abdomen. My palms followed the trail, and when I started to unbutton his fly, he took charge yet again. Spinning us around, he stretched me out on the sofa.

I wasn’t sure how, but with a little assistance from him, I got my boots off, and he peeled my jeans down. When I moved to hook my thumbs over the elastic band of my panties, he stilled my hands. “Not yet.”

“You still have your jeans on,” I protested.

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance