Page 26 of Cole’s Dilemma

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He was annoyed at them both for jumping into a relationship that spelled trouble, and he’d sworn that he wouldn’t get involved.

So what if Cole couldn’t stop watching her to see if she was okay?

So what if he couldn’t stop glaring at West?

Someone had to be the adult here.

He hadn’t been looking forward to Thanksgiving break. At all. West was… well, West. And Eva? She did something to his pulse, his brain, his nerves—it was like she was tying it all into a knot with her helpful suggestions that weresonot helpful.

The truth was that he hadn’t been able to look at that cute little redhead at Mo’s since Eva had kissed him. And there was no way that he was telling her that.

He cleared his throat. “Those little chicks aren’t babies anymore. We made them a henhouse. Ballerina sleeps in there at night and barks away all intruders.”

Her mouth formed an “O” and she seemed to melt into the couch at the thought. “Aww. I want to see that.” Seeming to remember herself, she patted West’s knee again. “Don’t you?”

West shook his head. “I’ve seen enough livestock to last me a lifetime. You’re not getting me out on the range again. I’m sure Cole can take you.”

After what had happened last time? Was West crazy? Cole leveled a glare at him. Did the guy honestly care nothing about losing Eva, or was he justthatsecure that neither Cole nor Eva would consciously turn on him.

Maybe both. As much as West rubbed his brother the wrong way, Cole had standards. He’d never steal anyone’s fiancée, especially his brother’s.

“I’m busy,” Cole said.

His momma quickly tried to cover up his gaffe. “Cole’s working on a pumpkin patch over by the old barn. It’s the cutest thing. We’re putting on a Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice Festival before Thanksgiving. The Bridges went all out for their scare-fest this year at the orchard, and so we thought it would be perfect to have something just for the younger kids this time.”

Hismommathought it would be perfect.

Then Cole had been roped into it.

But now he could see the logic of working on the harvest pumpkin patch if it kept him away from the drama at home.

He brought the jug of milk to his lips. West wasn’t getting away with throwing Eva at Cole while he ignored her for the whole trip. No way was he enabling that entitled user or… torturing himself with how West barely looked at Eva, and how she kept wriggling closer to him like she was begging for his attention.

“Honey! Do not drink that,” his momma called out.

Cole stopped himself from chugging the milk and pulled out a glass instead, rolling his eyes. Bad habits were hard to break. He poured the milk into the glass and vaguely noticed that chunks plopped into the bottom in sick globs like it was… the oil from the bacon that morning.

“What are you doing?” Momma asked.

Making an idiot of myself.

He pushed the glass away and found the apple juice. Checking to make sure that it wasn’t truly vinegar, he took a long drink to ease the desert that had become of his throat while he’d been out on the ranch. He probably should’ve hosed off in the barn, but he thought he could hurry and eat before West got here with Eva. He’d planned to be long gone before they got here.

Apparently they’d come early.

Eva was standing to make her way to him. He noticed that West was still inquiring after Momma’s health, which was never a short process. Cole took another fortifying drink. His eyes went to Eva’s funny little rustic outfit. Her flannel jacket was way too big for her and it hung over her shorts like he’d given his jacket to Pip.

She’d never survive the marshlands in those, and suddenly, despite all his arguments to the contrary, he wanted to take her out there, just to see her try.

“Is that your country outfit?” he teased her.

“Yeah.” A bright smile took over her face. “You like it?”

With difficulty, Cole swallowed any smart comments. Today happened to be a warm day, since Harvest Ranch was on the verge of deciding whether it was autumn or winter yet, but as soon as the weather made up its mind, she’d definitely freeze. “I hope you brought something for the cold.”

She leaned against the counter, pressing her palm into her chin. “Oh, I’ve got West for that.”

If she couldevercatch him.

Tags: Stephanie Fowers Romance