Page 56 of His Bella

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“Probably not until New Year’s…why?”

“Because I want to take you away so we can spend an entire week like this…”

“Great minds hmm?” she said with a grin. “Because I said nearly the same thing to Charlie and Toby Saturday, not about spending the week in bed but…”

“Good, I’ve missed you. I know we’ve been in the same town for the last three months, but it seems as though we never have time to be together.”

“I know what you mean,” she said, “but I think this makes up for it, don’t you?”

“What does?” he inquired, moaning in bliss as she settled herself over him in answer.

It was early evening before they strayed from bed, ordering takeout as they caught up on the news. The entertainment program came on and she was about to flip when she saw a picture of herself flash across the screen and she sighed wondering what story they’d concocted now. It didn’t take long to get to it, and she flinched when a photo of Tyler and Penelope came onto the screen.

“What the hell?” she said turning towards her husband who was staring at the photo.

“I said she’d thrown herself at me,” he answered as she turned up the volume to hear the story.

Is this the end for Arabella Angel’s marriage? They say a photo is worth a thousand words and that one…sizzles, doesn’t it? But that’s not the only photos we have folks. Same night that Arabella’s hubby was seen cavorting with his financier lady friend Arabella was seen out and about with the one and only Quinn Ross. From the looks of some of these photos it seems that our Angel has learned of her husband’s possible infidelity and went running straight to the hunky actor who seemed more than happy to provide a shoulder to cry on.

But just last night Arabella and Tyler were seen having a very public dinner together and a source from the restaurant said they could hardly keep their eyes off one another. Not exactly the tale the photos from a few nights before spoke of, now, is it? So, is our Angel a better actress than we give her credit for or is something else at work in this mess? You know us; we’ll keep you informed of all the latest happenings…

Bella turned off the TV as she looked over at Ty waiting.

“Don’t give me that look. What the hell were you doing out with Quinn while I was stuck working?” he demanded pushing up from the floor.

“Working? Is that what you call letting that bitch drape herself all over you while she’s practicallynaked? It’s a good thing I didn’t know that’s how far she went when she was here Saturday because I’d have seen if she could fly and then you.”

“Nothing happened, Bella, for god’s sake…”

“And nothing’s going to Ty, not with her but there’ll be someone. I’ve been fooling myself, haven’t I? Thinking that you’d be content to be with just Bella but you’re not or else you wouldn’t let some snake undress for you.”

“That is utterly ridiculous. I am thrilled to be with just Bella; you are the woman I’ve wanted for years, baby.”

“No, you’ve wanted Arabella; I was just the brain attached to her.”

“That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard Bella, but maybe you’re simply trying to make me out to be the bad one in this…that’s it, isn’t it? You’ve finally discovered how much passion you have inside you and you want to experience a bit with someone else, is that it?”

“What?” she gasped at him.

“How long have you and Quinn been sleeping together Bella…how long?” he demanded.

“I amnotsleeping with Quinn. He’s a friend, you idiot!”

“Must be a hell of a friend…crying on his shoulder in the middle of the night on the sidewalk where you were overlooking your billboard. You said you’d tell me if you ever fell in love with someone Bella so tell me the truth. Do you love Quinn?”


“Then what were you talking about that would make you cry?”

“He asked me why I was so tense, hesitant to shoot the love scene in the movie,” she said, and he cut in not letting her finish.

“So, he made his move and you’re going to him, aren’t you?” Tyler asked as his hands tightened into fists.

“No, god Ty, how could you possibly think that I was or could sleep with him after being withyouall weekend? You’re the only man I’ve been with…”

“So far,” he stated sending a wave of ice-cold fear through her at his tone.

“What’s the use?” she cried storming into the bedroom and pulling out her suitcase.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance