Page 55 of His Bella

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“No one’s said anything to me,” she countered.

“I am,” Bella stated coming out into the room. “Whatever is in your one-of-a-kind perfume makes me ill and as this ismyhouse, I want you out because I don’t like being ill in my own home.”

“I think that’s our cue to go,” Heath said with a chuckle.

“What’s wrong Bella, your senses not quite up to par since all you wear is that cheap Angels’ crap?” Penelope stated stepping over towards her.

“Do not disparage my line to my face in my home Penelope. I may use Angel as a stage name but it’s the furthest thing from what I’m feeling right now. I’ve watched you fawn all over my husband for nine months and it’s going to stop right here, right now. Tyler isn’t interested in you so back off.”

“That’s not what Tyler was telling me last night when we were in his office alone.”

Bella laughed, she couldn’t help it, the woman was nuts.

“News flash Penelope, Tyler does not want you. He wants me. He has since I was sixteen and my billboard went up in Times Square. Why the hell do you think he chose the office he did?” she asked with a grin as the other two men stared at them. “He started working for his father a few months after it went up and he had them change the office suites around so he could have that one. Now why onearthwould he do that if he were truly interested in other people?”

“Is that true?” James had to ask.

“Every word, she mentioned it the first time she stopped in,” he answered with a smile. “Every time I would look out my window, I got to see my beautiful Bella, didn’t need any other photos of her in my office when I had a stories tall one right out the window.”

“Precisely, so I would suggest that you back off right now Penelope. Ty told you so last night and now I’m saying it loud and clear. Drape yourself over him again and you’ll find out why the modeling world is so cutthroat,” Bella warned. “Now get out of my house before I have my security detail throw you out.”

They watched as the woman turned on her heel and grabbed her bag before storming out muttering under her breath. Bella coughed as a puff of her perfume was left behind and waved her hand to clear the air.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that to her,” James said with a smile. “That stuff reeks, it must be toxic.”

“That it does,” she agreed heading over to open a window to clear the place out.

“We’ll keep an eye on Penelope,” Heath promised them both. “We didn’t realize she’d been quite so forward.”

“Let’s hope that it’s finally sunk in,” Bella sighed as Ty pulled her into his arms. “Mmm, much as I love you Ty you stink again.”

“That stuff would coat the upper east side with a single spray,” he grimaced.

“We’ll get out of your hair, happy anniversary,” James said leading his brother towards the door.

“Thank you,” Tyler replied closing it behind them. “Bella…”

“Don’t say it, Ty; I wasn’t going to let her sit around here making the place smell.”

“I’m not mad, impressed really,” he laughed. “What do you say we hit the shower together?”

“I might be agreeable on one condition,” she said with a grin.

“What’s that?” he asked slipping his hands underneath her top to graze her skin.

“You make me an omelet when we’re finished. I skipped breakfast and I really do have a headache.”

“I’ll wash it away I promise baby,” he stated carrying her into the bedroom and through to the bathroom where he proved how well he could.

Chapter 12

Bella snuggled deeper into Tyler’s side as the afternoon sun streamed in through the windows. They’d spent the better part of the weekend in bed once they’d gotten rid of the Coopers, only going out for a few hours last night to celebrate their anniversary in style for the public to see. When they got home was when they really celebrated.

“Keep rubbing yourself against me like that and we’ll never make it out of bed,” Tyler teased running his hand down her bare back.

“Promise?” she asked leaning up until her face hovered over his.

“Absolutely,” he stated as she moved to kiss him. “How much longer until this stupid movie is finished?” he asked when they broke for air.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance