Page 57 of His Bella

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“Where the hell are you going?” he stated from the doorway as she threw things into it.

“I’m going to spend the night at the apartment with Kelsey. Right now, I can’t look at you without wanting to smack you for even considering the possibility that I would sleep with someone else while married to you.”

“You’re not going anywhere; there’s likely to be a million reporters out there and them seeing you with a suitcase in hand’s going to bring more out of the woodwork.”

“Then you’ll just have to deal with it, Ty, because you made me a promise once that if anything about this ever affected us, the connection that we had, that we’d end it.”

“That’s what you want?” he said quietly watching her as she zipped the suitcase closed.

“I don’t know what I want Ty,” she lied because he was what she wanted, just him, always, but not like this, not him questioning her the way he was. “All I know is I can’t be here.”

“Fine…run away Bella, you’re good at that.”

“I’m not running away Ty; I’m simply leaving before I lose everything that I love including us,” she sighed before she walked out. Her heart broke as she did and she wanted more than anything for him to stride after her, pull her back into his arms, and kiss her but he didn’t and that made her heart break further.

She had the car meet her underneath the complex and she gave the driver the address for Ty’s old apartment. When they pulled up in front of it, she couldn’t get out and gave him the address for the hotel instead. She registered under her real name and took the key ignoring the inquiring looks from the receptionist.

She dropped her suitcase onto the bed as her phone rang. Quinn’s name came up and she answered. “Hey Quinn…”

“Bella…you saw the report?”

“Did I ever,” she stated with a snort.

“Was Tyler angry about the pictures of us?”

“Yeah, then he had the nerve to ask me how long I’ve been sleeping with you.”

“Whoa, do you want me to talk to him?” he offered making her like the man more, but as nothing more than a friend.

“No, if he can’t believe me then I don’t think he deserves to know anything. After that photo of him and Penelope I was ticked because he didn’t warn me that’s what she’d done but I never once asked him if he’d slept with her.”

“What happened?”

“We had a hell of a fight and I left.”

“Where are you, Bella?”

“A hotel…”

“You shouldn’t be alone right now honey, come over. We can run through our scenes for tomorrow and hopefully you’ll both calm down.”

“That sounds nice,” she sighed leaving her room and heading down the hall to his.

“I’m in my suite so just come on up…hold on someone’s at the…door,” he said opening it for her. “That was quick.”

“My favorite hotel in the city,” she stated with a shrug showing him her key. “I don’t like them because there’s always someone going through your stuff, but I couldn’t face Kelsey tonight and I couldn’t stay with Ty.”

“Come on in,” Quinn offered stepping back to let her into the suite.

“Thank Quinn…”

“Anytime Bella, so what was the fight about?”

“Ty thinking that I’ve suddenly discovered passion and want to experience it with anyone possible. He seriously asked me how long I’ve been sleeping with you,afterwe’d spent the entire weekend not to mention all of today in bed together. If I were sleeping with you, would I honestly do that?”

“I think the better question would be would I let you?” Quinn teased making her smile. “That’s better, look give it a day or two and let him cool off. He’ll realize how much of an idiot he’s been and come crawling on his knees begging for your forgiveness.”

“Only question is, do I, do it? Forgive him for asking for thesecondtime whether or not we were having an affair. He doesn’t trust me, and I don’t think I can live with that.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance