Page 54 of His Bella

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“You should have said something, hun,” Charlie stated shaking her head at her. “We could have ordered something for you.”

“It’s fine; I’m going to grab something when I get home.”

“With Tyler?” Toby asked with a quirk of his brow.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she countered noting the interest in both their faces.

“We’ve seen some of the photos of you and Quinn recently. Bella, there’s nothing going on with him is there?” Charlie inquired. “We don’t want to see you get hurt and he’s the type that’ll sweep you off your feet and then leave you hanging in mid-air.”

“Quinn is a friend. That’s it. I love Tyler and despite some little brunette’s best attempts he still loves me,” Bella returned with a sigh. “So please don’t start reading into those dumb media reports.”

“Okay, just wanted to make sure,” Charlie said hugging her tightly. “You’ve looked a bit down lately.”

“I’m fine; tired thanks to the ads, the shoots, the planning for the show, and the movie but as soon as it’s wrapped, I am taking a full break. I am going to clear my calendar, Ty’s, and we’re going to go somewhere and just relax I promise.”

“Good, we’re going to hold you to that Bella-be; you’re getting too thin,” Toby said hugging her. “I made that last dress the exact same as the others and had to take it in half an inch.”

“I’m fine, and I’ll make sure to stop skipping meals. Hell, I’ll make Kelsey put it on my schedule for me, okay?”

“You’d better, now go home and spend some time with that man of yours,” Charlie suggested, and she nodded.

She wanted to spend time with Tyler. She just hoped he wanted to spend it with her.

She found her answer when she walked into the apartment to find the Coopers in the living room with him going over some financials. She turned around and headed towards the bedroom ignoring his call to her.

A minute later the door to the bedroom opened and he walked in with an apologetic look on his face. “Bella, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were coming over; I thought we had all of this settled last night. I wanted this weekend to be you and me so we could celebrate tomorrow starting tonight.”

“It’s fine, Ty. Go, it’s important right?” she said sending him a half-smile.

“Not as important as you are Bella,” he stated lowering his lips to hers.

She closed her eyes as the feelings washed over her and she wrapped her arms around his neck letting him pull her closer to him. The instant he did she could smell Penelope’s perfume and she found her desire for him squashed. She pulled back and turned away from him so he couldn’t see the tears that hit her.

“Bella…what?” he asked pulling her back into his arms and lifting her chin to look at him. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I can smell her, and I don’t like it, okay? I don’t like knowing that she’s close enough for her scent to get onto you. Damn it Ty, you’remyhusband and you’re letting her drape herself all over you. I know you’re not sleeping with her but it’s time for you to put your foot down and stop this entirely.”

“I did last night; I did Bella. At first, I didn’t even realize what she was doing because I had you in my head all the time but since you’ve been home, she’s…”

“Become a succubus? Ty, I want her out of the house now. Her perfume clogs the air, and it is seriously making me ill. I don’t know what’s in it but every time I smell it, I get a headache so go to the office if you have to just get her out of here,” she sighed rubbing her forehead.

“I will,” he promised heading back into the living room.

“Everything okay Tyler?” Penelope inquired with a smile.

“Not really, I think we’ll have to continue this another time. Bella’s not feeling well and wants to rest.”

“Then we’ll go to the office or my place; it’s just down the block after all,” Penelope offered.

“I think it’d be best if I simply stayed with Bella.”

“What the boss is trying to say Penelope is that he wants to spend his anniversary weekend with his wife,” James stated gathering their things to go.

“Tell Bella to feel better,” Heath said with a grin.

“Tyler we really need to get this worked out,” Penelope said standing up and he understood Bella’s distaste for the perfume as he tasted it.

“We will on Tuesday; also, we’ve had complaints about the perfume you wear Penelope, it’s a bit strong,” he told her, and James tried not to laugh.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance