Page 53 of His Bella

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“Yeah, the first time we were together…let’s just say it was perfect then awkward and then perfect again.”

“Wow, but it explains why you were so hesitant to shoot that scene. Don’t worry Bella, I won’t say anything,” Quinn assured her, and she smiled lightly back at him.

“I know you won’t. I know too much about you to risk it,” she teased accepting another hug before they started to walk again.

“I’ll admit when we first met, I thought about trying to seduce you away from Tyler, but I quickly realized how much you love him. So, Miss Bella, the question is why are you hanging out with me while he’s busy working most likely with Penelope and not barging into his office and convincing him to go home with you?”

“Because I don’t want to appear jealous,” she said, and his brow rose slightly. “I’m not of her but the business is another story. He works hard and I’m just trying to give him some space. Though if he forgets that it’s our anniversary as well as my birthday this coming week, I will probably strangle the man.”

“He’d be stupid to forget the best day of his life,” Quinn said as they hailed a cab.

When they pulled up in front of her building, they noticed the slew of photographers and she sighed.

“I’ll see you Tuesday,” she stated kissing his cheek before she slid out, allowing Tristan to lead her inside the building. The apartment was dark, and she sighed again as she headed to the bedroom to change. She was curled up on the bed when he finally came in after one and she feigned sleep not wanting to know what he’d been up to with Penelope.

The next morning, she woke up early and found Tyler sleeping soundly. She walked over to the bathroom, tripping over his jacket and shirt from last night and stifled a curse of annoyance. The man never bothered to pick up his clothes. She tossed the jacket onto the chair with his pants and was about to do the same to his shirt when she noticed the smudge on the collar.

She lifted the shirt and sniffed, nearly gagging on the heavy aroma of designer perfume. She tossed the shirt back down onto the floor and went in to take a bath. She wasn’t going to let her mind think things she knew weren’t true. Ty wouldn’t cheat on her not with Penelope.

She got out as the water started to cool and wrapped a huge towel around her as she made her way back into the bedroom. Ty met her at the door and the look in his eyes told her he wanted her but the instant his arms went around her she could smell the lingering effects of the perfume on his skin, and she slipped away from him and went to the closet.

“Bella, what’s wrong baby?” he asked coming over towards her and pulling her back into his arms resting his chin on her shoulder as she continued to sort through the clothes in the closet. “You’re upset that I didn’t make it home on time last night, aren’t you?”

“No, Ty I’m not.”

“Then what’s with the freeze out?” he questioned running his hands down her arms.

“I’m simply not in the mood for anything right now. I have to run out to meet up with Toby and Charlie to discuss the new fashion show. Change the sheets won’t you,” she tacked on as she pulled out an ensemble and headed back to the bathroom.

“The cleaners just did yesterday, Bella.”

“I know but they, and you, stink,” she informed him as she closed the door and turned the lock. She sighed as she dressed wishing that they’d never heard of Penelope Cooper and the Hartman group.

Tyler stared at the closed door shaking his head.Maybe she was pregnant after all, he mused before he bent over to pick up his shirt and caught the whiff of the perfume that clung to it.

“Aw hell,” he said letting out a string of curses as he sniffed his skin and sighed. He smelled horrible; no wonder she was in such a snit. He walked over to the bed and stripped the sheets off; he wasn’t going to make her madder by keeping them on it. He tossed his suit into the dry-cleaning bag ready to go out for Monday and waited for her to finish getting dressed.

He’d messed up last night and let Penelope get too close, for his comfort and now it seemed Bella’s, but he wasn’t going to let it stew. Nothing had happened and he hoped from now on Penelope understood that it wasn’t going to ever happen.

The door opened and she walked out, her face expressionless but as always gorgeous. He wanted to tell her the truth that he loved her more than anything in the world, but right now she wouldn’t begin to believe him. He crossed the room to her and pulled her towards him again.


“I don’t want to hear it, Ty; just go take a shower and get her disgusting perfume off your skin.”

“Bella nothing happened I swear. I would never hurt you like that.”

“I really hope that’s true Ty but right now all I can smell is her on you and it’s making me sick. Go take a shower alright?”

“Alright Bella but nothing did or will happen with Penelope; the woman doesn’t begin to compare to you baby.”

“Let’s hope so,” she stated walking out of the bedroom and out of the apartment.

The meeting with Charlie and Toby went well, they were all in alignment on the who’s and what’s for the show and she fell in love with Toby’s designs for her. She gave them a smile as she gathered her things together and headed for the door. Her head swam a bit, and she regretted skipping breakfast.

“You okay Bella-be?” Toby asked watching her closely.

“Yeah, I slept late and skipped breakfast. You all know how I get when I don’t eat,” she joked with a smile.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance