Page 49 of His Bella

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“They thought that since I was female, he’d been less likely to throw something at me if I said something he didn’t like,” Bella teased.

“When she got to my office, I was looking through some files and heard her walk up to the desk, but she didn’t say a word. That’s when I looked up and it wasn’t the junior VP but my Bella…”

“I quickly became the go to girl for bearing bad news. Employees would come and beg me to go with them or tell him myself because I was the only person he didn’t bellow at,” Bella mused, and Tyler kissed her temple softly.

“Leading to more than one rumor that we were secretly seeing each other…”

“What was so secret about it? You lived ten blocks from me, and we were always together.”

“Yes, but they didn’t know we had a past at that point,” Tyler replied, and she couldn’t argue that bit.

“Okay,” Renee said laughing, “what is a typical weekend like at your house?”

“Two years ago, I would have answered we spend most Saturday mornings at the office and then would go out to dinner before spending Sundays lazing around but now…a typical weekend that we’re both in the same city at the same time is rare. When we are though, Ty and I usually catch up on what’s been going on and maybe go out to dinner.”

“Let’s be honest,” Tyler said looking straight at her, the heat even higher than before making her body shiver with need. “When we have an entire weekend with no work, no family drama, and nothing to do, we spend ninety-nine percent of it in bed and the other one percent we’re usually in the kitchen. And now I’ve made her blush…”

“Speaking of blushes, over the course of your relationship, the one you lived out in front of the cameras at least you came under attack about your habit of kissing her on the forehead, and I’ve seen you two demonstrate this multiple times throughout the day. What is the significance behind it or is there one at all?”

“For the most part I like sparing Bella her blushes, at least when we’re in public. It’s habit for us and it keeps me in check. We’re private people and like to keep the intimacies of our relationship private.”

“As for me, I love it. It lets me know he loves me and that he’s right there feeling what I am. We’re so comfortable with each other that we lose track of where we are and who we’re with and it keeps us from becoming front page news,” Bella added.

“I could go on asking you questions all day, but I can tell the two of you are anxious to get out of here and I’m sure no one will have to ask why. So, I’ll leave you with this question. What comes next for you as individuals and as a couple?”

“Work, work, and more work…”

“Tyler’s right. We both have busy schedules and though we’re committed to them we’re more committed to each other and our marriage. Other than that, the world’s a big place and we have our entire lives to enjoy it.”

“Very nicely put,” Renee stated.

“She’s a natural wordsmith and I’m incredibly lucky to call her mine,” Tyler returned, his eyes glowing with the truth of it.

Well, there you have it. I had a wonderful day with Arabella Angel and her gorgeous hunk of a husband, and I wish them well. Until tomorrow folks…keep your eyes on our website for the latest news and updates.

“Got to say that’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting,” Bella said laughing as Tyler kissed her.

“Mmm…seeing you blush like that makes me want to see it in person…”

“Didn’t you want to hear about Ben’s offer?”

“Maybe later,” he stated sliding his hands underneath her top. She didn’t feel like arguing and gladly allowed him to drive her crazy.


“Good morning beautiful. What do you say to a nice hot omelet?”

“Mmm, now what did I do to deserve this type of a wakeup call?” Bella asked bringing the sheet up with her as she sat up seeing the tray in his hands.

“I figured it’d be a good time to have that talk and maybe I just like pampering my girl?”

“I love being pampered and I love your omelets. So, you really want to hear about the offer?”

“Absolutely,” he stated sliding onto the bed beside her.

“Okay, well you remember that tiny little scene I was in. Well…”

“Come on Bella, you’ve never been one to play games so what’s going on?” Tyler asked brushing a soft kiss to her lips.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance