Page 48 of His Bella

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“It is old fashioned, because it belonged to Ty’s grandmother. We went by to visit his parents after the announcement came out and when they found out we still hadn’t chosen a ring Steven offered it.”

“It fit perfectly, and we decided it was perfect for us and since then we’ve let fate play its hand.”

“It does seem to suit Arabella perfectly…now how about letting us in on the real Arabella and Tyler? Tell us something America doesn’t know about you.”

“The list would be a mile long,” Bella laughed.

“I can tell America something they don’t know about Bella…not only is she beautiful outside and in, but she’s also a genius who managed to graduate from high school at sixteen, graduated college while travelling the world at nineteen and obtained her masters at twenty-one all while working as the number one model in the world.”

“We knew part of that but what else?” Renee asked.

“I lived in the same apartment from the day I bought it when I was fifteen until I got married,” Bella offered something easy.

“Bella has a fabulous memory she can look at my schedule for the week and remember it word for word.”

“He’s a terrible gift giver most of the time…he bought me a PDA for Christmas even though he knows I don’t use one. I love using a physical appointment book, writing down the meeting, photo shoot or travel arrangements in it keeps it in my mind longer than if I type it and then if things change, I just mark through it.”

“I think I made up for it with your birthday present…” Tyler argued.

“Okay so the necklace was gorgeous and so was our honeymoon, so I’ll take that one back.”

“Speaking of honeymoons…where did you go?” Renee asked and Bella gave Tyler a little nod okaying it when he looked at her before answering.

“Tahiti. I took Bella to Paris for her birthday the year before to celebrate away from the family and as we were on our way to meet them for Thanksgiving, she joked that she’d rather be in Tahiti. I said I’d have to remember it for the next year…”

“And he did remember, we were married a few days before my birthday, and it wasn’t until we landed that he told me where we were. I had been the one to forget and it made it that much sweeter.”

“Any plans for your anniversary or birthday this year…or for additions to the family?”

“We haven’t decided on what we’re going to do for our anniversary,” she said knowing what she hoped it consisted of though, time spent in bed with Tyler.

“But we’ve both cleared our schedule because I made a promise a long time ago that I would never miss Bella’s birthday. As for expanding our family, my mother would be ecstatic if we could confirm that bit but we’re taking things slow.”

“We’ve both been swamped with work but we’re cutting back, taking more time for us, and who knows, maybe after the holidays we’ll be singing a different tune.”

“So, no plans as of right now? In that case, we’ll simply have to fill our time with some more questions. What is your favorite meal?” Renee asked her.

“Easy, Ty’s omelets. I use to joke that I would be jealous of the woman he married because he’d be cooking them for her.”

“But I told her she’s the only one I cook them for,” he stated catching her eye and they began to laugh.

“Inside joke I take it?” Renee said smiling their way.

“Let’s just say we came up with some clever headlines to cover the situation if word got out something like that happened…”

“I think my favorite was, ‘my husband only cooks for model’ or something like that,” Bella said sending him a grin.

“Little did she know at that time she’d without a doubt be both women,” Tyler replied, his eyes showing that he had and never doubted it, making her heart race wildly.

“If we came over to your place, what would we find Arabella lounging in?” Renee asked pulling their attention back towards her as a small flush stole up Bella’s chest.

“Yoga pants or shorts and a tank top unless it’s cold.”

“And then it’s my old high school football sweatshirt, and if anyone wonders why men’s clothes are made bulky it’s so they look as amazing on women as they do. When the shirt looks like it’s just going to fall off the shoulder…that’s when men’s clothes look the best.”

“What’s one of the craziest situations you’ve ever been in?” Renee asked fanning herself a bit at the way Tyler looked at Bella again. There was no hiding the heat in that gaze.

“Hands down the way I found out Bella had gone behind my back and gotten a job at the company. She’d just been promoted to junior VP, and we had a situation come up. I was in a horrible mood, and it didn’t help to find out that they were sending her up.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance