Page 50 of His Bella

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“The writer saw the finished product and loved it, loved my part with Quinn’s character and devised an entire story out of it. They want me for the role.”

“For an entire movie? How long would you be away?”

“I wouldn’t be. They knew I turned them down for smaller roles because I didn’t want to be away for that long, so they reworked it and it’s going to take place in New York which means I’d have to be here for at least four months they estimate. It’s not a guarantee but they’re inviting Quinn and some others for a screen test.”

“So, you’d be here for at least four months…straight?” Tyler questioned, his eyes blazing as he looked down at her, making her body flush hotly.

“Yup and the studio’s already green lit the project and are preparing for filming. If they decide to use me, they can work around my shoots for the Angels’ new Holiday ad and they could even use the runway show in the film if they needed some extra footage. They’re already casting the other roles and if I’m not in it they’ll cast it with someone else.”

“You’ll get it. They wrote the role for you Bella and if it means you get to stay here with me for four months, I’ll gladly put up with Quinn Ross.”

“Do you know how amazing you are Tyler Reed?”

“Not nearly as amazing as you Arabella Remsen.”

“Arabella Spencer Reed but I love it when you just call me your Bella,” she said putting the tray on the bedside table and sliding her arms around his neck. “Especially when you’re not wearing anything.”

“I should go into the office.”

“You should, but you can always go later,” she stated with a grin dropping the sheet.

“Mmm…much later,” he agreed before rolling her onto her back. “Much,muchlater…”

Chapter 11

Bella stared down at her phone, another message from Tyler saying he had to work late, the fourth this week.

“So much for slowing down huh,” she told her reflection as she checked her makeup.

She really couldn’t say too much though, she hadn’t exactly dropped everything either, but their anniversary was in two days, and she’d made sure that they hadn’t scheduled any scenes for Monday for her. She wanted to celebrate with him, they’d made it a year without losing the connection that made them so special and she wanted to spend time with just him.

The movie was moving along well, they’d started shooting it at the beginning of September and despite her hesitations, she was having a blast. Quinn was a big part of that, and the media was continuing to make a huge deal of it taking pictures of them on set and claiming that they were real instead of simply part of the script.

A knock on the door told her they were ready for her, and she hurried out to the set hoping to get the scene finished and pray that Tyler would manage to get home. Despite all of her assurances that nothing was happening, she still worried that Penelope would do something drastic, and she’d be left with a broken heart.

They finished the last scene for the day, and she graciously accepted the cup of tea from Kelsey. She’d quickly discovered how much of a godsend she was when they’d started the movie and without her, she never would have been able to get everything done. She kept her schedule straight; her fittings and shoots were carefully arranged around the filming schedule.

Since Jessica and Toby’s little boy had been born, he’d been determined to get the maternity and baby lines out, something she was secretly amused by except for all of the hints being thrown her way about having one and the questions as to why they weren’t. It was a conversation she hated having, no one could understand that they were happy being as they were and the one or two remarks from Vivien inquiring if there were something wrong that wasn’t allowing it to happen had sent her straight into a laughing fit. She was turning twenty-nine, was the most sought-after model and talent, beating out girls half her age and she was content the way they were. The idea of actually having a baby…it scared her really and she knew that was one of the reasons it wasn’t happening.

She changed, sending Kelsey home, and headed towards the waiting car but a voice calling out to her stopped her.

“Tyler’s working late again, isn’t he?” Quinn asked with a slight smile.

“He is. I swear his version of slowing down and mine are two entirely different things,” she replied wrapping her scarf around her neck to ward off the slight chill in the air.

“So, you’re on your own and I’m on my own…don’t ask,” he grinned when she raised an eyebrow to inquire about his latest fling. “Want to show me part of the real New York I haven’t seen?”

“Love to,” she agreed allowing him to escort her towards the car. She knew how to lose the photographers and instructed the driver to head towards her place. When they were a couple blocks away, she asked for him to pull over and they got out.

“Where are we going?” Quinn asked looking around.

“The best way to see New York is on foot,” she said with a grin. “All the photographers think we’re heading to my place, so they didn’t bother to follow as we took the long way home. By the time they realize we’re not going there we’ll be downtown.”

“Too smart for your own good sometimes, aren’t you?” he joked as they headed out.

She had a great time hanging out with him, he wasn’t overbearing like some people she’d met, and he didn’t constantly update his whereabouts, so they managed to avoid the photographers out and about. It was nearly eight before they stopped into a small café and sat down to eat. It was one of her favorite places, but she hadn’t been to it in over a year because of work. They sat around talking, lingering over coffee and tea, and she felt the tension from the week drain away.

“There’s the smile we’ve been missing,” Quinn stated.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance