Page 47 of His Bella

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He whispered his agreement in her ear making her laugh and her body flame at the same time.

And now it’s time…finally, for that interview.

Bella focused on the screen as the image changed to show her and Tyler sitting across from Renee, and she began to speak.

“Alright, I wanted to say thank you for allowing us to join you today and for the chance to sit down with the two of you. I along with half the globe have a million questions for you so shall we get started? I think one of the things America, and the rest of the world, wants to know is how did you two get together?”

“Tyler and I have been friends forever. His parents are my godparents and he’s always been there.”

“But we know you haven’t had a committed relationship for that long. Tyler’s past relationships are well documented as are most of yours until you stepped away from the spotlight but even after that we’ve heard from people you did date. So how did you move from dating other people to married and do you have an open relationship?”

“As I said, Tyler’s been my friend forever. He’s the one person I could always count on, and we were both a little skeptical of taking that final step in case it didn’t work out.”

“We loved each other but weren’t ready to settle down I suppose you could say, but sometimes things happen that you’re not prepared for, and you have to adjust your way of thinking. I think that’s what happened with Bella and me.”

“Does that mean the rumor that you were expecting on your wedding day were true?”

“No…a couple months before I made my reappearance at the Angels’ Fashion Show, I had been seeing someone. He attacked me and the only thought I had was I need Ty…he is my calmness and voice of reason and thanks to his level thinking the situation was resolved quickly.”

“When you say attacked…” Renee said, her eyes widening in shock.

“No, I locked myself in my bedroom and called Ty from my cell. He showed up a few minutes after the security team did and in that instant, I knew things had changed.”

“We both stopped running from the truth that night. Bella might think I was levelheaded but hearing the panic in her voice made me realize that I couldn’t lose her.”

“That sounds like a no to the open relationship then?” Renee said looking between them.

“A complete and absolute no,” she agreed. “Tyler and I are in this together a hundred percent.”

“So, questions that arise regarding Quinn Ross or Penelope Cooper don’t pull at the marriage?”

“No. I think Bella and I both knew that one day we’d give in and get married we just weren’t sure when that would be, but we knew it would be forever.”

“Tyler’s right…we have a wonderful relationship that goes much deeper than the type that start out with the physical aspects. We have a strong foundation that’s rooted in our friendship, we knew the flaws the other had and the strengths we bring to the table, and it makes everything else that much more special.”

“When did the decision to marry come up or when did you propose?”

“I think we first thought of marriage after the Chrysler debacle. His interference in our relationship didn’t sit well and we wanted others to know it wouldn’t work. I wanted the world to know that for me there was only Tyler.”

“We’d talked about it after the gala that night and it seemed like the perfect thing, but I wanted to plan out the proposal, so I waited a few weeks one, for Bella to get back in town and two, to find a ring. It didn’t turn out like I’d thought it would though,” he said with a chuckle.

“Don’t blame me,” she returned with a grin up at him. “You’re the one who just blurted it out not me.”

“Without the ring…hey I’m only human and you were so beautiful.”

“Ty…” she sighed at the way he looked at her, especially since she was in Arabella mode and not just Bella.

“You proposed without a ring? Did you pick it out together afterwards?” Renee asked.

“Yes, I will admit that I proposed without a ring and without any idea that I was going to in that moment.”

“But it was perfect…it was us, there was no stage set or production about it, it was just Bella and Ty hanging out, listening to music on my balcony.”

“Dancing to your favorite song,” Tyler added taking her hand and kissing it.

“And the ring is perfect…”

“Yes, the ring,” Renee said as the camera zoomed in on it. “It seems old fashioned; did you have it designed to suit your tastes?”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance