Page 41 of His Bella

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“Bella, are you okay?” Kelsey asked hearing the sigh she released. “Maybe you need to schedule a few weeks off? You’ve been flying back and forth so you can visit Jessica and to go to the clinic to see Rebecca and you’re exhausted.”

“The more I can get done during the summer the easier the rest of the year will be. I promise once Rebecca’s out of the clinic it’ll be fine…I just wish she’d listen to someone. Plus, Jess is due in a few months, and I can’t wait. Toby has been going overboard on the maternity line idea and they’re driving me nuts.”

“Speaking of maternity…I um…that is I…”

“You saw the test in the bathroom? I’m not…I thought I was, but I guess it’s just all the traveling, my body can’t keep up with the timeline. It’s actually a good thing. I’m busy as I can be and Tyler’s never home, a baby would be wonderful but not right now.”

“Is everything okay with you and Tyler? The last few weeks the two of you have barely spoken.”

“But that should end since we have the company picnic this weekend and I’m home until after the lingerie shoot. Don’t worry Kelsey, and thanks for all your work this last month, I told you it’d be crazy, and you wouldn’t know if you’re coming or going…speaking of which go on there’s nothing left to do today.”

“And Tyler should be home soon?” Kelsey added lifting an eyebrow.

“He should be…”

“He should be what?” Tyler asked coming into the room. His eyes travelled over Bella, and he relaxed. She looked tired but not nearly as exhausted as she had the last time, he’d seen her.

“You should be home soon,” Kelsey said heading for the door as the room began to shrink because of their pull. “I’ll see you later Bella…goodnight, Tyler.”

“Goodnight, Kelsey,” he replied as he closed the distance between him and Bella and pulled her into his arms.

“You’re home a bit earlier than I expected,” she stated.

“Don’t tell me you were planning on having a quickie with Quinn before I showed up?” he teased running his hands up and down her back.

“You saw the latest report? Arabella Angel’s dirty little secret…”

“And if I were a regular Joe Schmo, I might be worried, but you forget Bella…I’m often the one who feeds you.”

“Which would you rather do right now…feed me…or…” she left the rest of the line hanging as she moved towards their bedroom. She slipped off the tank top and let it drop onto the floor.

“Definitely or,” he stated catching up to her. “Always the or…” he added kissing the side of her neck making her smile as his hands moved up her stomach until they covered her breasts.

“Show me,” she teased.

“Don’t worry Bella, I will,” he promised as he turned her in his arms and caught her lips with his.


“You two look completely perky today,” Vivien stated as they moved across the lawn at the picnic. “I take it that report didn’t cause any issues?”

“Never Mom,” Bella said kissing her cheek.

“There’s my girl,” Steven boomed happily as he hugged her tightly. “You two are the last to show.”

“We were distracted this morning,” Tyler admitted dropping a kiss onto her forehead.

“Making a grandchild for us perhaps?” Vivien teased and Bella couldn’t help but blush.

“Mother, stop it,” Tyler laughed.

“I won’t stop until I know you two are pregnant and happy,” she returned.

“Well, we’re half of that…it should count for something,” he stated as a small group headed their way.

“Tyler, great get together and this must be the beautiful wife we’ve heard so much about,” a man a few years older than him said holding out his hand to her.

“Heath, everyone in the world knows Arabella Angel,” a younger man beside him stated. “You’ll have to forgive my brother when he sees a beautiful woman his brain stops functioning…James Cooper and my brother Heath.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance