Page 42 of His Bella

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“From the Hartman group,” she said sending them polite smiles. She was aware of the third person of the party, the small brunette who was sizing her up now that they’d finally met in person. “A pleasure to meet you and please it’s simply Bella here.”

“And this is Penelope, our cousin,” James stated gauging her response to the woman.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” Bella told her completely relaxed. “It’s a shame every time we tried to meet something popped up.”

“Yes, but I’m sure you know how hard Tyler works to stay on top,” she replied a bit frostily, and Bella knew she was after more than just a business relationship with him. “You must hate it when he can’t attend one of your functions because of work.”

“Actually, I’d much rather stay home than go to any of those events,” Bella answered her. “There’s nothing better than curling up in his old sweatshirt.”

“You still have that thing?” Vivien asked with a smile.

“It’s got to be fifteen years old by now?” Steven added.

“Try seventeen, Dad,” Tyler stated.

“It’s still in one piece?” Vivien said surprised.

“The edges have frayed a bit, but it fits just as well now as it did when she stole it.”

“I didn’t steal it…if you remember I was up near Hartford, and you came and crashed my shoot.”

“I did, and then I forced you to come have pizza with me.”

“Forgetting that not everyone was as easy going about who I am as you were.”

“You didn’t mention any of this before,” Steven said worried now that he knew what had happened to her.

“I made him promise not to,” Bella stated. “I knew you’d worry if you found out I’d spent the weekend up at the school without Mandy.”

“Of course, we would have. You were fifteen and I can clearly remember how the minds of college students work,” he argued.

“I promise nothing happened to her,” Tyler said calmly. “They knew if they so much as looked at her crossly I’d beat them to a pulp.”

“You two have known each other forever, haven’t you?” James inquired. “That wasn’t made up for the papers.”

“How long have you been together?” Heath added.

“Feels like he’s always been the one,” Bella answered knowing he’d agree, and it would annoy Penelope. “He’s been my best friend since I was thirteen, a bit odd since he was nineteen, but somehow it worked. I think we both knew where it would eventually lead which is why we purposely stayed apart for as long as we did.”

“It’s impossible to resist Bella. If I had my way, I would have put my ring on her finger the day she turned eighteen, but I knew I had to share her with the world.”

“And in the meantime, he turned into an absolute bear as all of his assistants will tell you,” Bella teased.

“Then why did it take you so long to finally marry her?” Vivien inquired.

“We were comfortable with the status of our relationship…plus I had to convince her I was serious.”

“Mom…I think you know why,” Bella added secure within Tyler’s arms and with his parents to not say anything more.

“Of course…well just think about making that second part of my request happen soon, will you?” she said kissing her cheek. “We should mingle. We’ll see you later Bella, Tyler. Enjoy yourselves.”

“Don’t worry Mom, we will,” Tyler said as his hand crept lower on Bella’s hip. “How long do you think we have to stay?” he whispered in her ear making her grin.

“Behave…Ihave plenty of people I want to say hi to.” She took a step backwards from him and lifted her head dropping a kiss on his cheek. “Don’t get yourself pulled into too many work discussions today please.”

“Only if you promise we can head out of town later, I can have tickets to Paris waiting within the hour,” he said seriously kissing her forehead.

“Mmm, sounds like heaven but I have the photo shoot on Tuesday and Ben Truman keeps calling. He’s coming into town on Thursday, and I figured if I sit down with him then it’ll stop.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance