Page 40 of His Bella

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“Work got in the way?” she asked.

“We had a last-minute snag with a few clients, so Penelope and I took them out. I didn’t think it would take as long as it did.”

“Penelope?” she inquired.

“The lead financer from Hartman, you’ll have to meet her now that you’re home. So how was it?” he asked pulling her onto his lap and rubbing her shoulders.

“Mmm,” she sighed, her anger fading as his hands began to work magic with her body. She turned into him kissing him until there was nothing for them to do but go to bed.

The next morning, she slept late, well into the afternoon, and when she awoke it was to find two hot stories floating around about them. Complete with photos taken at the premiere of her and Quinn and the photo from the blog of Tyler and Penelope. She glanced out the window and saw dozens of photographers and reporters obviously wanting a statement now that the reports were out there.

She dialed Tyler’s cell, but he didn’t answer so she tried his office and he finally answered, in the background she heard the light laughter of a female voice.

“Bella, how’s my girl?” he asked. “Sleep well?”

“That depends, are we on speakerphone right now?” she inquired.

“Not anymore,” he said picking up the receiver and nodding to Penelope to go. “So how did you sleep?”

“Great…too bad I had to wake up to the craziness that is our life.”

“You’ve seen the reports?”

“I saw the photo of you and Penelope last night. I just didn’t want to argue about it, not when we haven’t seen each other in almost a month. How long are you going to be at the office?”

“Well, I was going to stay until six but if my wife had other ideas…”

“Like spending the rest of the afternoon in bed followed by a romantic evening that will hopefully put a stop to the ridiculousness of the stories in the news,” she flirted.

“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” he told her in his deep timber that sent shivers down her spine even through the phone.

“How soon can you get here?” she teased. “I was just wondering because I’m planning on slipping into the tub and letting the hot water wash over me, until every inch is nice and pink…Ty? Oh Ty…” she sung until her cell beeped showing her Tyler had hung up. She knew he’d hung up in order to come home and join her and she was very happy about it.

Chapter 9

“Bella, we’ve got a slight problem,” Mandy stated the moment she picked up the phone.

“A slight problem? What the parental organization want my picture removed again?” she asked with a grin towards Kelsey. “It happens every year Mandy, the day after or the day of the new photo’s revealing they come out full blast.”

“Turn on the TV Bella,” Mandy told her, and she nodded to Kelsey who flipped it on finding the news channel.

Arabella Angel’s dirty little secret revealed? That’s what sources are saying. The Angels’ Brand spokeswoman has been seen visiting a rehab facility faithfully the last six weeks and rumor has it she’s battling to win against the eating disorder that sent her into hiding for five years.

Hints of marital problems have been surfacing since early February when our Angel’s husband was seen cavorting with a brunette, we later discovered was one of his newest associates at Reed Financials, but that’s not where the discord ends. The same night Arabella was seen getting very cozy to movie star Quinn Ross after the premier of ‘Rice, Ribbons, and Rats’ where Arabella made her screen debut to a rounding success.

No official comment has come from Arabella’s camp, but could this be the last we see of our fashion queen?

The camera showed a shot of her newest swimsuit ad that was hanging in Times Square, and she shook her head.

“Where do they get this garbage…and no official word? Try they haven’t contacted me.”

“How do you want to handle this?” Mandy asked. “It’s your clinic Bella.”

“I have the Angels’ lingerie shoot in what…a week? Contact Renee and see if she and the network are willing to pay for an exclusive behind the scenes type of interview. The fee will be donated to the clinic, and I’ll make sure it kills the whole eating disorder issue.”

“Bella are you sure? It would mean a camera crew there and they could discover you started the clinic as well as the shelter. Maybe it’s time to do the life story that Kristine and Lillian have been requesting from you.”

“No, I don’t want that out there. See if they’re willing and we’ll go from there,” Bella instructed before hanging up, frustrated with the nosy reporters.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance