Page 35 of His Bella

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“After the party…when you took me home…”

“And scared the hell out of you by kissing you?” he stated.

“I scared myself Ty. I couldn’t trust myself that night. It confused me because I felt something in that kiss that I never had before and then I told myself that we couldn’t because it would ruin what we had…”

“And now?”

“Now I know we’ll be good no matter what but…”

“But what Bella?”

“I want you to promise me that if something changes—if you find someone else or if this turns to something that will break what we have, that you’ll tell me. I don’t want you to think that you have to stay with me forever Ty. If you fall in love I don’t want to stand in the way,” she stated shaking slightly.

“Don’t worry Bella, that’s not going to happen,” he promised her. He’d never fall for someone the way he had for her, never love someone the way he loved her, but if she knew that she’d feel horrible because she didn’t feel the same and he wasn’t going to lose her. “The same goes for you. If you fall in love with someone, especially now that you know you’re not remotely close to being that cold person you thought, I want you to tell me.”

“Okay,” she told him kissing his cheek. “Now let’s go before your parents think we’re still in bed…”

Dinner was wonderful as always, they agreed sitting in the living room of his parents’ house as the clock ticked past nine. Bella was curled up beside him, her bare feet peeking out from the light throw Tyler had grabbed from the closet.

“You two certainly seem relaxed,” Vivien grinned widely.

“Would you like a thank you now or later Mom?” Tyler queried.

“Ignore him, he’s always moody after getting his stomach stuffed Vivien,” Bella laughed.

“Bella, I’d love for you to call me Mom,” she stated, hurriedly adding, “but it’s your choice. You’ve made me the happiest woman in the world…well as happy as I can be without grandchildren but…what?”

Vivien stopped seeing the look that passed between the two before asking, “Bella, are you?”

“No…at least I don’t think so,” she stated knowing she was due to start her period any day and the cramps she normally felt were beginning to appear.

“But you’re trying?” she inquired.

“Not that it’s any of your business Mom,” Tyler stated, “but we’re not trying but we’re also not not trying.”

“What Ty’s trying to say is we’re letting the universe decide for us, Mom,” Bella said with a smile surprised at how easily calling her mom had been.

“That should keep her satisfied until Christmas at least,” Steven stated. “Now where did you get that necklace?”

“A birthday present from Ty,” she answered.

“I knew the moment I saw it that it was the perfect match to her eyes and couldn’t leave without picking it up.”

“You did well son, perhaps you can help me with your mother’s Christmas gift?”

“I’m sure Bella would be much better at helping with that. I got lucky with the necklace unlike her Christmas gift last year…”

“What did he get you?” Vivien asked curiously.

“A PDA,” she answered.

“I figured she’d need something to keep all of her bookings in,” he explained.

“Hopefully you do better this year,” Vivien stated with a pointed look.

“I don’t need anything else,” Bella stated happily. “But if you’re looking for someone to help you shop, I happen to be quite good at it and I’d love to give you hand…Dad.”

“Now you’ve done it,” Tyler whispered as Steven looked away and coughed to cover up the affect that had on him. “If you’re not careful you’ll make him cry Bella.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance