Page 34 of His Bella

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“The idea of having a child with you is something I look forward to, especially after last night; I don’t think there’s any rush but if I’m being honest the idea of putting a wall up between us…any sort of wall between us is the last thing I want.”

“Youdon’twant to use protection?” she asked feeling strangely okay with the idea.

“It’s not my choice Bella. You’re the one who has to make this decision. You’re the one with the career that could be affected by a pregnancy.”

“Not necessarily,” she told him. “Angels wants to start a maternity line.”

“What are you saying Bella?”

“I’m saying that whatever happens happens…and I’m okay with that. In fact,” she added with a grin as she slipped the cover-up off, “I think it’s the only thing that makes sense with us.”

“Bella,” he groaned drinking in the sight of her in only the tiny bikini. She turned to walk back into the bedroom reaching behind her back and untying the top as she glanced over her shoulder at him. She didn’t have to say a word because he was instantly behind her closing the door and picking her up, groaning in agony as she wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him.


“Any regrets?” Tyler asked as they made their way through the airport a week later.

“Only that we had to leave,” she said tilting her head back to receive the kiss she knew he was angling for. “But we have Thanksgiving and Black Friday this week so I suppose I can’t complain too much.”

“At least we’ve already found somewhere new to live and don’t have to deal with all of that,” he said as they slipped past a group of photographers unnoticed. “Sad about selling your place?”

“Are you kidding?” she laughed. “I can’t wait to get my hands on redoing the new place…plus it doesn’t hurt that I made a killing on it thanks to my upgrades.”

“And I’m not going back to the office until after the holiday so I can be free labor if you want anything moved again.”

“You’re not going in at all? What have I done?” she teased with a laugh. “If you don’t watch out, you’re going to become a sloth like me.”

“Says the woman who spent at least an hour each day going through her bookings,” he rebutted before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her in the middle of the walkway not caring who saw or took photos.

She snuggled into his side and walked on slipping her shades down when the photographers noticed them and began taking pictures. The entire way home she stayed there and after the doorman put their bags down inside, she found herself swept up in his arms and carried to the bedroom.

“What do you say we extend our honeymoon for a couple more days?” he whispered kissing his way down her neck as he began to remove her clothing slowly piece by piece.

“I think I could be talked into it,” she sighed happily.

It was Thursday before they surfaced and as they dressed to head to his parents’ place, he surprised her with a jewelry box.

“What’s this?” she asked fastening a clip to hold her hair back.

“A late birthday present, I didn’t want to risk it getting lost while we were on our trip and then we got a bit distracted when we got back…open it,” he said watching her closely.

She lifted the lid and gasped at the beauty within the simplicity of the necklace. The stone shone brightly in the light, and he lifted it out fastening it around her neck then slipped his arms around her as they turned to the mirror.

“It’s beautiful Ty,” she smiled turning her head to kiss his cheek, “thank you.”

“You’re welcome, and now we should get as far from the bed as we can, or we’ll never make it to Mom and Dad’s.”

“Are you saying you can’t resist me?” she teased.

“Not one bit, never could,” he replied helping her with her coat. “Thank you, Bella,” he added as she turned to go.

“For what?”

“Agreeing to this—marrying me—trusting me.”

“I always have Ty…I just didn’t know it would be this easy. Do you remember last Christmas?” she asked.

“The fashion show, party at work…of course.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance