Page 36 of His Bella

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“You mean like you did when she started walking down the aisle?” Steven asked humorously.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Bella laughed. “We should probably head back to town. I’d rather not get stuck midway in what’s sure to be a snowstorm tonight.”

“She’s right Tyler, so unless you’d like to spend the night…thought so,” he laughed as Tyler jumped up and pulled Bella to her feet.

“Mom, Dad, lovely to see you but I’m taking Bella home, not sure how long I’ll be able to keep her to myself so I should enjoy the rest of this weekend.”

“Goodnight,” Bella said kissing and hugging them. “Ty’s right, the fashion show preparations are underway and it’s going to get crazy. Dad…give me a call and we’ll set up some time to go shopping. Mom…thank you for pushing we might not be here if you hadn’t.”

“You’re welcome, Bella dear,” Vivien told her. “Just be happy, that’s all we want.”

“Then you should be pleased because I’ve never been happier,” she replied knowing it was the truth and praying she could keep it that way.

Chapter 8

“Everything okay Bella?” Charlie asked two days before Christmas as she stood letting Toby make the final adjustments on her dress. “You seem to have lost a bit of your sparkle today.”

“Sorry Charlie…” she said giving her a grin. “I guess I’m just tired. Between the preparations for the show, planning the Christmas party for Reed Financial and my other gigs I’m a bit worn down…”

“You’re sure it doesn’t have something to do with a little pink box I found in your dressing room?” she inquired with a smile. “Bella, if you’re pregnant…”

“I’m not,” she rushed in with. “It’s not that sort of box Charlie.”

“Bella I’ve had four kids I think I know a home pregnancy test when I see one.”

“Alright, it is one but it’s honestlynotfor me. Don’t laugh Toby, you’re likely to stick me and blood stains aren’t easy to get out remember…itreallyisn’t for me. I promise the moment I find out I’m pregnant I will let you know; I know you’re eager to get me fat so I can go ahead and model the maternity line you want to start…but it’s a friend’s.”

“How many times have we heard the ‘it’s not mine’ line before Charlie?” Toby teased.

“What’s not Bella’s?” Jessica asked hurrying in with the last of the preparations for the Christmas party.

“A little pink box in her dressing area,” Charlie stated.

Jessica blushed bright red and began to shuffle through the papers she held.

“Well, well, well, I guess it’s not, is it?” Charlie laughed. “We’ll have to keep hoping.”

“Are we done?” Bella asked looking down at the unmoving Toby.

“Yeah…all done babe,” he said standing up. “So, the test is yours?” he added looking at Jessica.

“It might be,” she said defensively, and Bella immediately knew the answer to the unasked question she’d had the last week after Jessica had told her she was late.

“Jess, I would love a cup of hot cocoa how about you? Yeah…Toby could you please,” she said drawing the please out, “run down to the corner and get us some? I would but I’ll get mauled especially in this masterpiece and it still needs pressed.”

“Uh sure,” he stated hurrying out.

“Okay, would you like to tell me how you couldnottell me the guy you slept with, multiple times, after my wedding was Toby?” Bella asked once he was out of earshot. “Jess…”

“Bella, you didn’t tellmefor five years that you were actually Arabella Angel…I didn’t think it would happen again, but it did and now…”

“And now you think you’re pregnant and because you left the test in my bag he knows,” Bella told her. “Take the test Jess, please, find out one way or another and then figure out how to deal with it okay?”

“When did you become so bossy?” Jessica asked grumpily.

“When two of my best friends decided to sleep together and hide it from me,” she stated handing the dress to the woman waiting to complete the alterations.

“Fine…where’s a bathroom?” Jessica asked.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance