Page 33 of His Bella

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“Dad called to warn us that someone had leaked footage of the wedding…what?” he said as she grinned.

“It’s okay, it was Calvin’s videographer and Mandy…it was on purpose Ty. It was the best way we could control what came out and not have people try and rake in money for pictures that weren’t official. There’s already a statement that’ll be released in the morning that says the footage did come from us and that while it was released a bit early, we don’t care.”

“That way no one can put out bad pictures or try and alter your dress?”

“You got it. Calvin was going to go through the photos he took and put them up for us to view. I’d say he’s already gotten through them by now if you want to check after we eat.”

“You want to look through wedding pictures today?” he asked amused. “Don’t you ever take a break?”

“Not if you want to keep five steps ahead of the press,” she stated with a smile.

“Alright, after we eat,” he said and an hour later had to agree that going through the photos was a great idea. “These are fantastic.”

“What do you expect? Calvin knows me and wouldn’t let me down…whoa…”

“What?” he said peaking at the screen and reading the message that Mandy had just sent her. “They want to payhowmuch?”

“Five million…for five exclusive photos,” she stated. “What do you think?”

“I think they’re nuts but it’s your choice Bella. I trust your decisions.”

“What I’m thinking is we say yes, let them have five photos as well as the one we chose to release to the media but have them donate the money to the shelter and clinic I support?” she suggested.

“I think the directors of the two facilities are going to love you more than they ever have with million-dollar donations…”

“Then you don’t mind if I go back through these and shoot Mandy an answer?”

“Not at all,” he assured her.

She clicked through the photos and chose five that gave the best portrayal of their ceremony and reception without going too personal. Several of the photos revealed more than she wanted the world to see, including Tyler. She was about to close the computer when the alert she had set up to let her know if a new story had been posted about her went off. She clicked on the link and found herself watching the reporter from the celebrity news line talk about the wedding.

If you haven’t seen the footage or heard about it by now you must be living under a rock…early yesterday afternoon Arabella Angel married long-time beau Tyler Reed in a ceremony that guests described as beautiful, touching, and true. Arabella wore a gown designed by Angels’ master designer Toby Magnus that left all speechless, including the groom many said. This is the first marriage for both and from the looks of it the ceremony was nothing short of perfection.

But was it really? Arabella was walked down the aisle by Steven Reed, father of the groom and Arabella’s godfather, and the front row typically reserved for family was filled with Charlotte Greggs, Angels’ creator; Mandy Hollis, Arabella’s manager; and Toby Magnus. Her family was noticeably absent from the entire affair and sources say they were not invited. It’s not the first time she’s come under fire for the lack of support from them, most notably seen when she took the stage headlining her first Fashion Week at fourteen, but we wonder if something more happened.

But back to the ceremony, the bride and groom seemed to both be in a state of ecstasy as they vowed till death do they part…and most importantly we finally got to see the couple display true affection for one another. The two have come under fire for what many deemed to be forced or faked displays, but it seems that the couple simply didn’t want to find themselves in the tabloids for excessive PDA. One attendee we spoke with said they had two kisses at the end of the ceremony, the first nothing more than a fleeting peck, and after some heckling they proceeded to let their guards down and gave their guests a peek into the true nature of their relationship and it seems that these two are far from being coldblooded.

Another guest described their kiss as hot enough to finish off the ice caps in less than a minute, and in case you don’t believe us we have proof. Additional footage was released that we are bringing directly to you…

Bella watched as the priest announced them man and wife and their kiss, followed by the second kiss and she felt a blush steal its way up.

“You released this part?” Tyler asked, his arms lipping around her.

“No…this isn’t from the videographer. The clarity isn’t the same. This was from someone’s cell phone I’d say,” she told him as the reporter came back onto the screen.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think the bride actually blushes at the end of that kiss…and the forehead kiss—it obviously means more than we ever gave them credit for. Congratulations Arabella and Tyler, might the sound of pitter-pattering little feet be in the cards soon? You know us, as soon as we know you will.

“Did she really just suggest we’re already expecting or that we’ll come back pregnant?” Tyler laughed and Bella gasped. “What—Bella I was kidding.”

“No…last night…we didn’t…I’m not…” she stopped and took a deep breath in order to get what she needed to say out. “Ty, I’m not on birth control.”

“Of course, you’re not,” he stated trying to hide his smile. “And I didn’t bring any because I wasn’t anticipating…is it…”

“Yeah, it’s entirely likely that I could…” she said reading his mind. “So, what do we do?”

“One of three things, I can go into town and pick up some and hope that nothing happens from last night. We can wait until we’re home and continue this aspect of our relationship. Or we take our chances and leave it up to fate,” he answered putting his vote behind the last.

“You wouldn’t mind if something happened?”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance