Page 32 of His Bella

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She kissed him, let her hands explore his chest until she didn’t know what to do, where to go with her actions. She pulled back and looked at him, “Ty…”

“It’s okay honey,” he stated fearing she was pulling away. “I promised nothing would happen you didn’t want.”

“No Ty, it isn’t that…” she told him. “I just…I don’t know what I’m doing here. I’ve never…”

“Never…never went this far?” he questioned caressing her face.

“Yeah…Ty please don’t laugh,” she said pushing at his shoulder as he grinned.

“I’m not Bella. I swear, I’m not laughing at you. Come here,” he told her pulling her up against him. “Bella, you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and I don’t want you to ever think I’m taking this for granted. I know this isn’t easy for you and if you want me to stop…”

“I don’t,” she assured him, “I just don’t know how to do this…where to go.”

“Close your eyes Bella,” he told her. When she hesitated, he added, “Trust me honey.”

He kissed her forehead as she did and then stood up discarding his clothes. He pulled back the covers and slipped in telling her, “You can open your eyes now…come slide in with me.”

She noticed his pants lying on the chair next to the bed and she froze.

“Bella, trust me,” he said. “Anytime you want to stop we will. I will never do anything you don’t want. Just lay down with me…”

She nodded and slid in beside him, letting out the breath she held as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him. She didn’t even notice when his hands began to move lower until they rested on her hips, slipping under the band of her underwear and pulling them down slowly, giving her time to stop him. She lifted her hips allowing him to remove them, no longer afraid simply ready for what lie ahead.

Chapter 7

“Morning gorgeous,” Tyler said as her eyes fluttered open.

“Morning…or should I say afternoon?” Bella asked catching sight of the sun high in the sky through the open curtains.

“I wouldn’t know I’ve been watching my beautiful wife sleep.”

“Ty…stop looking at me like that,” she said blushing as he slipped his arms around her.

“Like what? Like you’re the most amazing woman in the world? Like you and I just spent the most wonderful night, early morning—whatever, together? Like I want to do it again and again but know I shouldn’t push?” he stated brushing light kisses across her face.

“Ty…” she giggled self-consciously.

“Should I apologize for last night?” he asked seriously.

“No, I just…I don’t know…this is new for me. It may not be the first time we woke up together but it’s the first time like this and…” she said with a shrug.

“You don’t know how to act, it’s okay Bella,” he stated sweetly, gathering her up beside him and brushing her hair down her back. “It’s a bit new for me too…but what do you say we forget about how we should or shouldn’t feel and get some lunch? We have an entire week before we have to face anyone outside of here that should give us enough time to figure this all out.”

“Alright…Ty, could you get my robe?” she said as a blush crawled up her neck.

“Bella, there’s nothing to be shy about. I’m not the first person to ever see you naked.”

“No but none of them have ever done what we did last night with me,” she said as her cheeks flamed.

“What am I going to do with you my sweet, sweet Bella?” he teased kissing her lightly before sliding out of the bed laughing when she quickly averted her eyes. He grabbed one of the bags and riffled through it until he came out with the short silk robe; he handed it to her and then went to call room service.

Bella took her things into the bathroom and slipped into the shower, after she dried off, she slipped into one of the bikinis that had been packed and put on her favorite cover-up over it. When she returned to the main room it was to find Ty had unpacked their bags and picked her dress up off the floor putting it into the garment bag that Toby had sent with them. She spied the cart of fresh fruit and salad and her stomach growled in appreciation.

Tyler turned and stared as he let the note drop to the table.

“That bikini doesn’t do you justice Bella,” he stated pulling her into his arms and kissing her lips. “That’s better…”

“Mmm,” she murmured. “What’s that?” she added nodding towards the piece of paper he’d held.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance