Page 31 of His Bella

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“Close your eyes,” he told her once they’d been in the air for a few hours. “We still have a ways to go.”

She relaxed against him and managed to sleep for a bit as they flew on. She woke as Tyler fastened her seat belt and she glanced out, surprised to discover the darkness outside.

“How long were we up there?” she said when they landed, and he’d helped her down the stairs.

“Well, it takes about thirteen hours to get here,” he stated dropping a kiss on her forehead.

“And where’s here?”

“Tahiti,” he answered as the car pulled up.

“It’s like one or two in the morning here…” she said glancing at his watch.

“Perfect time to arrive, fewer people to see the beautiful Arabella Angel arrive the fewer photographers we’ll have to deal with.”

“You’re brilliant,” she laughed sliding into the car.

“So why Tahiti?” she added a bit later as they reached the resort and were being shown to their room.

“You don’t remember, do you?”

“Remember what? You didn’t…” she stated as it dawned on her. “Last year I joked that I wanted to spend Thanksgiving in Tahiti; you’re much too good to me at times Tyler Reed.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Reed,” he teased.

“You do realize though that it’s highly unlikely that I’ll be able to go back to sleep after having such a lovely pillow on the plane to rest on.”

“Really? Because I could have sworn, I just saw another yawn,” he told her as he loosened his tie the rest of the way and tossed it aside.

“Alright maybe,maybe, it was one, but we have one slight problem…two actually.”

“What’s that?” he asked undoing the first few buttons on his dress shirt.

“One, I have no idea where my night clothes are in the piles of bags that have arrived and two, I think I’m going to be trapped in this dress unless you can give me some help with the buttons…”

“Well one is easily solved because I put your favorite nightshirt on the top of your normal carry-on bag, and I’m sure we can manage a few buttons.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” she laughed pulling her hair over her shoulder to reveal the length of the back of the gown and the row of tiny buttons.

“Good lord,” he whistled staring at them before he began to undo them one by one.

Bella felt the dress begin to loosen as he went on and on and the feel of his warm hands against her skin sent a tingle down her back and another down to her core. She felt his hands still as she held her breath and prayed for him to finish quickly. She let out her breath in a rush as she felt his hand stroke the bareness of her back.

His hands moved down to the next button and released it letting the dress slip a fraction lower as she held up the front. Two more buttons were released, and his hands stroked up and down her back sending sparks through her until she could barely breathe. He let a hand slip inside the waist of her dress and moved it around until he flattened it against her stomach and pulled her back against him.

“Bella,” he whispered raising his other hand to her bare arm and running it up and down it as he lowered his lips to the side of her neck.

“Ty…” she gasped as something inside her turned over and she didn’t know how to handle it.

“Tell me to stop Bella and I will.”

“I don’t know what I want Ty,” she said looking over her shoulder at him. The look in his eyes had her turning around, letting go of the dress, and wrapping her arms around his neck as it slipped to the floor.

Tyler groaned covering her mouth with his and lifting her out of the pile that was the dress. He set her down bit by bit memorizing the feel of her against him in case she changed her mind. He went slowly, not wanting to scare her, not wanting it to end.

Bella was drowning in emotions, and she didn’t want it to stop not even when he lifted her and carried her to the bed. His hands caressing her found their way to her breasts and waited, trying to gauge her response.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered pulling him down towards her and undoing the rest of the buttons on his shirt, pushing it aside to touch him. She leaned forward and pressed kisses along his chest and he stopped her long enough to discard his shirt and lay down beside her letting her take the lead.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance