Page 22 of His Bella

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“Yes, we provide care to teens in difficult situations and now the hospital and the doctors are willing to offer their services to those who come and go,” Evan stated. “But none of it would have been possible without Bella.”

“What?” Tyler said looking between them.

“Evan was one of the doctors in the ER when I was brought in,” she told him softly. “Nine years ago, I met a girl who’d went through something like I had. Unfortunately, she didn’t have anyone to help her like I did or the money to get medical care. She and her parents were illegal immigrants, and she couldn’t go to the doctor or the police without worrying someone would turn them in…”

“You wanted to help,” Tyler finished for her.

“Yeah, Evan was the only doctor I felt comfortable talking to and together we came up with the teen shelter. A place that they can go no matter their situation or background and find someone to talk to. It was right before you took over my accounts…but it’s one of the two programs I regularly fund.”

“The other’s a clinic for anorexia, isn’t it?” he questioned as worry gripped him.

“Don’t worry I’ve never starved myself,” she said, smiling softly at him as the worry shone through his gaze. “But I know plenty who have. One of the girls, Veronica, that I worked with all the time, we were always booked together for runways and photo shoots…she died three days after she turned seventeen because she refused to admit she had a problem.”

“A lot of girls can’t,” Evan agreed, “not until it’s too late or something terrible happens.”

“Which is why the clinics are so important,” Bella stated.

“You’re amazing,” Tyler whispered against her temple as he gently pressed his lips to it before surveying the crowd that had grown quiet. “Don’t look now but we’ve got company…”

“Hmm?” she sounded glancing up. “Honestly?”

“You’re a popular woman Bella,” Evan stated.

“Unfortunately. You know what? We’ve been here long enough,” she said turning to Tyler. “Why don’t we slip out before he can cause a scene?”

“It’s your call,” he told her as she said good-bye to Evan. He began to ease them through the crowd almost managing to get them out before they were stopped by the Chief of Staff for some photos. They were nearly finished when Craig descended upon them, and she felt her jaw tighten in annoyance as he butted his way between her and Tyler for the last photo.

“Sorry mate,” he said in his annoying Australian accent. “She looks much better on my arm, don’t you agree?” he added to the gathering crowd.

“Actually, I don’t,” Tyler said calmly.

“Back off,” she whispered to Craig.

“Did you invite both men tonight, Arabella?” a reporter asked more than ready to spin the charity event into tabloid fodder.

“She invites me everywhere,” Craig said flashing them a smile.

“Back off,Chrysler,” she repeated wrenching her arm out of his grasp and walking over to Tyler.

“Seems to me like she’s a bit miffed at you Chrysler,” another reporter stated with amusement.

“I’m afraid I was a bit rude earlier when she asked me to attend, and I refused stupidly which had her going to her second choice,” he said sending a glance towards Tyler.

“Ignore them,” Bella said as Tyler’s spine straightened.

“He’s not going to stop,” he warned and to accentuate his point Craig reached out, took Bella’s hand and kissed it as he pulled her towards him. He was ready to punch the man, but Bella was faster and pushed at Craig’s shoulders as she stomped on his foot.

“I’m sorry,” she said sending an apologetic smile towards the reporters before turning back to Craig with her eyes flashing fury. “I’ve tried to be polite, let you slide because I know how desperate you are to become a household name, but this is ridiculous. I am tired of you intruding on my relationship. For the final time, leave me alone.”

“Women,” he said grinning at the flashing cameras. “Arabella you don’t mean that, remember our wonderful times in Europe? We don’t want to lose what we have.”

“What you have is an untouched face,” Tyler stated the threat behind it clear.

“Why would you want this oaf when you could have me?” he tried one final time.

“Because I love this oaf, as you called him,” Bella said praying their ploy would work though it wasn’t a ploy saying she was in love with Tyler. “For clarity ladies and gentlemen,Chryslerand I have never been anywhere near having a relationship or anything remotely resembling a sordid affair. Now if you will excuse me, I would like to enjoy the rest of the evening with my real date, we are here to help raise funds for the children’s hospital, not your profile Chrysler.”

“Mr. Reed, what are your feelings for Arabella?” a reporter asked quickly before they could move away.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance