Page 18 of His Bella

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“You’re coming over tomorrow, correct?” Vivien asked, as they got ready to leave while the caterers began clearing away the party.

“We will be there Mom,” Tyler assured her. “It will be just the four of us, right?”

“Yes, after the fiasco that was Thanksgiving, I think the less we do as a combined family the better,” she told him.

“We’ll see you then,” Bella said kissing them both. The car dropped them off at her place and she happily took off the shoes, gorgeous as they were, were not a thing to wear all night.

“Happy?” Tyler asked pulling her down on the couch beside him and letting her snuggle up against him.

“Blissfully,” she answered. “Thank you for coming to the show and dragging me to the party. I didn’t expect the reception I got at either.”

“No regrets?”

“None, no fears either…I don’t know if I’m going to pursue runway again but I’m completely open to taking on more assignments. Walking away was the best thing I could have done five years ago…”

“Even if you didn’t cut all your ties to that world?” he teased.

“Angels was different. They’re not demanding, I knew who I’d be working with, so it was easy for me to stick with them but the rest of it…I guess I had gotten to a point where I was burnt out. I’d been doing it for eight years but now, now I know it’s what I want and it’s all thanks to you Tyler.”

“I didn’t do anything Bella, you’re the one who finally talked about the past, made the choice to let it go and move on,” he stated tilting her head so he could see her face. “You’re the one who made every single man in the world fall in love with you tonight with that smile and that look. It’s a good thing I don’t have a heart condition Bella because you slayed it tonight.”

“Keep complimenting me and it might go to my head,” she laughed trying to dissuade the emotions running through her.

“You deserve each and every one of them. When you turned to walk away in this dress, I thought I was going to keel over from the impact of the back of the dress or lack of it but when you looked back—damn Bella you brought everyone to their knees in that second.”

“It was planned to Ty, but I have to admit when I did it, I wasn’t anticipating the impact the sight of everyone watching would have on me. I was prepared to feel the panic I use to but this time I felt loved, and it didn’t hurt that you were there…egging me on.”

“Can you blame me when you look like this?” he grinned gently.

“You drew that out of me somehow, so any flack I get from it, any crazies who try and profess their love, it’s your fault,” she grinned back.

“Bella, you shouldn’t say things like that,” he whispered as their gazes connected and the feelings that had been coursing through her at the show returned full force. “And you really shouldn’t look at me like that…”

“Why?” she replied as he lowered his head towards hers.

“Because I’m liable to do this,” he stated covering her lips with his in a kiss that neither had anticipated but both had wanted.

The kiss lingered, slow and sensual, pulling them both to a place they wanted to stay but knew they couldn’t. Bella was the first to pull back, getting up and moving across the room as she tried to remind herself that this was Tyler, her friend and the one person she refused to lose.

“Bella—I,” he said standing up and coming after her.

“Ty, that shouldn’t have happened,” she said holding out her hands to ward him off. “You’re my best friend and I shouldn’t have…”

“You’re right,” he agreed reluctantly, praying that he hadn’t destroyed the relationship they had. He couldn’t imagine not having Bella in his life. “I’m sorry Bella—the combination of the show with the party—you looking so beautiful—I guess I forgot for a minute you’re my Bella.”

“It’s okay, that kiss was for Arabella,” she suggested. “Bella and Tyler are friends, right?” she added afraid he’d say no.

“Always,” he assured her stepping over her protests for distance between them and gathering her in his arms like he always did kissing her forehead. “I’ll be by around nine? It’ll put us at Mom and Dad’s about ten, ten-fifteen…”

“Sounds great,” she told him cheerfully. “Night Tyler…”

“Night Bella,” he replied.

She watched him leave and went over to the window, looking down at the street as he climbed into a cab and sped off. She caught sight of her reflection in the glass as she turned off the lights and shook her head in disappointment at her weakness.

“He’s your best friend Bella, he doesn’t think of you that way and you stupidly kiss him? When are you ever going to start using your head? Friends…that’s it from here on out…just friends,” she lectured herself before heading to take a shower.

She needed to put some distance between them, physical distance…maybe she should accept the job Mandy had told her about, three weeks, five locations, and no Tyler. She sent Mandy a text saying she’d do it before slipping into her big empty bed wondering what Tyler would say if he knew how much she wanted him to be beside her. He’d probably laugh uncontrollably she decided as she slipped into a dream that showed her what her life would consist of if he found out about her feelings.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance