Page 14 of His Bella

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“Maybe someday, right now I’ve got to get Bella home so she can start working on finding her replacement and packing for the weekend.”

“A trip to Paris?” she said as they sat in the back of a cab on their way to her building.

“There’s no way I’m going to go to a blasted party for Izzie when it’s your birthday too, besides, you love Paris and I do have some clients I should catch up with that live there.”

“You won’t find me arguing though I think we should stay at my place; you know how much I hate hotels,” she said, and he gave her a little knowing grin.

“Deal,” he agreed pulling her closer, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder. “Love you, Bella.”

“Love you too Ty,” she sighed as the depth of those feelings increased tenfold. She was in trouble. She’d fallen in love with her best friend and now she was worried she’d do something stupid and lose him because there was no way he could love her the same way…no way at all she was assured as he kissed her forehead and left leaving her feeling worse yet better than she had in years.

Chapter 3

“Bella, thank god you’re here…this place has been a madhouse all day,” Jessica said handing her the pile of messages that had come in. “Oh, and there’s a Paul Bryson in your office with Tyler.”

“Thanks Jess,” she told her assistant, “you should come in for this.”

She greeted Paul with her usual hug and kiss on the cheek as she waited for Jess to take a seat. “Jess, I’d like you to meet Paul Bryson, starting next week he’s going to be your new boss.”

“What?” Jessica said looking around the room with a worried expression.

“Bella is leaving the company, at least in an official capacity,” Tyler stated.

“Oh my god—are you two?” Jessica said as a grin formed.

“No…” Bella laughed. “The truth is my name isn’t Bella Spencer.”

“Huh?” Jessica said confused again.

“Officially I’m Arabella Spencer Remsen, but most people know me as Arabella Angel,” she said letting that linger as it dawned on her assistant what that meant.

“Holy hell, oh Jesus, you must have been laughing so hard…all the times we’ve said you should model…” Jessica said trying to hide her own laughter. “So why are you leaving now? I mean, you’ve only done the Angels’ line for a few years now…the fashion show? You’re doing the fashion show…”

“And heading back into the world that I completely love,” Bella explained. “Paul and I graduated together with our masters, and I know this place will be left in capable hands.”

“It just won’t be as pretty around here anymore,” he added. “Or young, it was surprising to find a model in our graduate classes but when that model is only twenty-one and graduating…it makes you take note of what her secrets are.”

“And Bella will still be available if something crops up that needs a more feminine touch,” Tyler stated. “Plus, she’s still a client.”

“Wow…I mean, wow,” Jessica said. “I have to say I sort of expected you to be leaving because you two were getting married. I know you say you’re just friends, but I don’t buy it, but this is so awesome.”

“Thanks, I think,” Bella said hugging the other woman. “Now, since tomorrow is officially a holiday you should head out. I’ll see you on Monday Jess.”

“Me too,” Paul stated. “So, you’re going to be popping in and out over the next few weeks still?” he asked once it was just the three of them left.

“I will be, though the entire week before the show is going to be insane. They’ve already changed the finale outfit about ten times, and we still have a month to go,” she laughed. “I’ll get my things cleared out before Monday.”

“No rush Bella,” Paul said smiling a bit too brightly at her for Tyler’s liking.

“She’s just moving them upstairs to mine for now,” he stated.

“Well then I’ll let you get on with it,” Paul said, “unless you need some help.”

“I can manage,” Bella told him sensing Tyler’s irritation. “Happy Thanksgiving Paul, we’ll see you Monday morning.”

“Monday,” he agreed before reluctantly leaving.

“He likes you,” Tyler said loading the boxes on the moving cart an hour later.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance