Page 52 of Soul of a Man

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“Should I have let her pick the little, blond-haired boy? He would have grown up so traumatized he would have become a monster himself, creating even more victims in a never-ending cycle. Instead, he grew into a doctor who will save hundreds of lives, working with children with emotional problems. The one he became the most proud of helping was a young rape victim who was unable to talk for several years. He was able to help the child regain his speech and clear an innocent man.”

Jericho turned in the doorway, reaching out to hold the frame.

Fate slowly walked forward until she stood before him. “Instead, I gave her the descendant of a goddess, a boy fathered by one of the fiercest Indian chief’s your world ever knew, one whose heritage is one of the most noble to ever exist. A child with a soul of a warrior.

“I saw your soul the day my eldest chose which body you would inhabit for your earthly stay and knew I would never see another with your passion to live … tosurvive. I knew when that woman chose you that day what you would have to suffer, what you would have to endure, but I knew you would survive. Not whole or pure as you once were, but alive, even stronger than before, because now your soul has been forged in the fires of Hell.

“Yes, it was entirely my fault that you were the one to suffer.” Fate took a step closer to him until she was able to reach out and touch his chest where his heart laid. “In return, I gave you my gift, one I did not know if you would be able to treasure or abuse. Even in this, you did not fail. You love my daughter. I may not be the mother-in-law you want, but I chose you for Cara. No other could give her the protection, passion, or love you feel for her in your heart.”

As Fate’s hand dropped away, pride shown from her eyes for him. He had accepted the worst humanity had to offer, overcome every challenge, and even when hitting rock bottom with no one to depend on, he had a strength that would not allow defeat. The soul of this man was worthy of her daughter.

Jericho stood speechless. All the hatred he had felt for her slipped away, replaced with the love he felt for Cara. That terrible day she had given him to the monster had set him on a journey toward his beloved, and he couldn’t hate her when Fate was the reason he had Cara. She had been responsible for the worst times of his mortal life, yet in return, she had given him an eternity filled with love.

Fate reached out and wrapped her arms around Jericho, hugging him as his mother and his adoptive mother never could have—as a son who was loved and cherished. Fate gave to him what had always been absent from his life—a mother’s love.

Jericho hesitantly returned Fate’s hug. “Thank you. I will cherish Cara always.”

Fate gave him a sincere smile. “I know you will.”

Jericho laughed at the arrogant woman, knowing if he screwed up, she wouldn’t hesitate to set him straight.

On the other side of the darkened doorway, Cara brushed away her tears. She didn’t want Jericho to know she had been listening, but she was determined to get her fair share of the hugs before getting down to the business of bringing her sisters home. Cara wanted all her family present when she married Jericho.

Cara pasted an innocent smile on her face before she stepped out and looked away from her mother’s knowing eyes to Jericho’s suspicious ones. She gave up the pretense. It wasn’t going to be easy getting anything past these two.

Sometimes, it just sucked having all these gods around.


The smell of antiseptic clung to the air in the small, private room. The hospital had quieted down with the arrival of the third shift.

Edward had closed the door to give them a sense of privacy where it did not exist. The doctors had warned him that Mary’s time was near, and their last moments together were precious. He sat in a chair by her bedside, holding the frail, cold hand wearing the wedding ring placed on her hand decades ago. She had been restless all evening and had slipped into a light sleep brought on by her evening medication.


Startled, Edward looked up from Mary at the gentle voice. He recognized the strange woman Jericho had brought to his home. Now she stood in Mary’s hospital room in a flowing white gown with Jericho by her side.

Shocked to see the man who had disappeared weeks ago, Edward got to his feet.

“Jericho, where have you been? The whole town has been looking for you.” As he questioned Jericho, he noticed for the first time that Jericho and Cara were both surrounded by a glowing light.

“Edward.” Cara’s soft voice once again drew his attention. “We’ve come for Mary.”

Protectively, Edward moved closer to his wife’s bed. “I don’t understand. Mary is ill; she can’t go anywhere with you.”

The sadness in their faces had Edward turning back to glance down at Mary. She was lying still in her bed, the hand in his growing colder. Tears fell down his exhausted face.

“Mary is no longer there, Edward … but with us.”

Edward was able to catch a glimpse of Mary’s form wavering in the light beside Cara.

“Please don’t take her. I can’t live without her.” He wasn’t ashamed to beg.

Sadly, Cara shook her head and motioned to the chair by Mary’s bedside.

Edward didn’t want to look yet felt as if he had no choice. They might leave with Mary if he didn’t do as they wished.

Afraid more than ever before, Edward turned to the chair and saw himself sitting there as still as Mary in her bed. His memory came back to him in a rush, remembering taking the pills. Edward had hoarded the pills carefully, and as he had watched Mary’s breaths slow, he had swallowed them.

Tags: Jamie Begley Paranormal