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Cole pulled her against his side and kissed the side of her head. She looked up and smiled at him, tucked her head against his chest, and rested.

She glanced out the window and up when they pulled up to a building.

“This is really tall. You live here?”

“Welive here.”

She looked at him and nodded. It was still like a dream, and she didn’t trust it was true yet.

Robert got the wheelchair beside the car, and Cole slid into it gracefully. She couldn’t get over how strong he was.

“Come on, baby.”

Jade smiled at the driver. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, miss. Sir, have a good night.”

“You, too,” Cade said and rolled up to the building. “Come on, Jade, let’s get inside.”

A man in a suit opened the door. “Good evening, Mr. Buchanan.”

“Hello, Reid. This is Jade, and she’ll be living with me.”

“Welcome, miss. I’ll help with anything you need, sir.”

“Thank you.”

“Good night,” Reid said.

She waved and followed Cole onto the elevator. The doors closed.

“Come here, baby.” Cole pulled her into his lap and held her tightly to his chest. “We’ll get you in bed so you can rest.”

“Will I sleep with you?” she asked.

“I was going to put you in the guest bedroom.”

“Why can’t I sleep with you?”

“You can. But I’ve got to warn you it will be nearly impossible to keep my hands off of you.”

Her heartbeat accelerated. “That’s okay.”

He groaned and caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I’ll give you tonight. You’re too tired for what I need from you.”

“But you’ll hold me?”

“Yes, baby. I’d be happy to hold you all night.”

She set her head on his chest and closed her eyes. He would take care of her.

Chapter Seven

Cole hugged her to his chest, rolled them off the elevator, and down the hallway to his bedroom.

“How about you take a shower? I’ll put the food into the fridge and bring you one of my shirts to wear.”

She nodded and yawned before he lifted her off and nudged her toward the bathroom.

Tags: Lila Fox Daddy Erotic