Page 68 of Limitless

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The security team was too far away, and with the people backing away, they were working up stream to get to Patty.

Red flooded my vision as I grabbed Lina’s shoulders. “Stay back, we don’t know if he’s armed.”

“Help her,” she whispered.

I hustled toward the guy, the people darting out of my way. They probably saw the fury starting to build deep within me. The man was only about fifteen feet from me and hadn’t seemed to notice me, which was strange in its own rite considering my size. Then again, he was stuck in his rage, focusing on Patty.

She clawed at the man’s hands, but he pressed onward. No hint of any bulge in the back of his coat indicating he was packing, but I couldn’t be sure. How he’d handled Patty’s husband, he had some skills, but he was small, at least by my standards. And he wasn’t watching his surroundings as much as he should.

I could take him.

I would not let Lina’s friend get hurt like this. And at a ball raising money to prevent this kind of shit.

Calm down.The rage’s volcanic heat was nearing epic proportions each step I took, and it felt like the blood in my veins was boiling.

The guy turned around when I was only five feet from him, so I lunged, snatching his wrist. I squeezed, compressing the ulnar nerve, hopefully sending a jolt of pain through his arm as his grip around Patty’s neck weakened.

With my free hand, I grabbed the back of his neck. He let go of Patty, and she sagged to the floor. I took the final few steps toward the darkened corner of the room and slammed his face into the wall.

He spun, swinging, but I ducked, then popped up and slammed my fist into his face. His cheek caved beneath my knuckles, the feel of crackling bones vibrating through my hand. But that was fine with me. This asshole needed more.

More pain. Floodgates of red overtook my vision as my hands fisted so tight my knuckles burned.

I jack hammered punches to his gut, then backhanded his face near the eye. I spun and pounded his jaw. The guy bellowed as blood spurted from his mouth, and he clawed at my arm.

Disgusting pig.

Did he think he could treat women like shit and get away with it?

No, he had another thing coming. This prick wasn’t any better than shit on the bottom of my shoe. And to come into this party, one raising money to fight this type of asshole…Oh, he needed to be taught a lesson.

The guy fell to his knees, but I caught him, cuffing his throat with my hand. Squeezing, I lifted the puny excuse for a guy up until his feet no longer touched the floor. His face instantly morphed into a dark shade of red.

“Hunter!” Lina yelled.

I hoisted him up even higher to get more momentum, then slammed him to the floor. Blood roared through my head, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I squeezed his throat. I couldn’t allow him to hurt anyone else. Ever.

He needed to be stopped.

He needed to pay.

It was my Lina’s first time ever attending this ball, and he’d ruined it for her. For everyone. This would set her back in her recovery.No!

A black shoe came into view off to the right, and I lashed out, swinging. He might have come with someone else. I hadn’t been looking. Shit. Was Lina okay?

“Stand down!” someone yelled. “Stand down, now!”

Someone close jammed his foot on the asshole’s wrist, securing it to the floor. One of the guards loomed over me, his foot on the guy’s wrist and a taser pointed at me.

Me? What the hell?

At least it wasn’t someone with the asshole lying on the floor, covered in blood.


Above the commotion, I heard Lina’s voice. I peered over my shoulder to see her. I had to see her. Was she okay? Did she get hurt?

Her eyes were wide, and she was reaching for me. “Don’t hurt him. Don’t—”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance