Page 67 of Limitless

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“But you—”

“I’m fine.” She glanced around the huge ballroom. “We’re surrounded by people, even tons of security, so I’m safe.”

“I was surprised by all the guards.” I eyed two people with earpieces beside each entry door and another two near the emcee. Not to mention the horde of them scattered throughout the lobby. Considering this was a charity ball to raise money for the local domestic violence shelters, it made sense. “Not to mention the lack of TV cameras and publicity.”

“Lina said they don’t allow them inside. I saw a few outside the hotel, reporting. Can’t have pictures and cameras everywhere considering the private nature of shelters and women needing anonymity.”

“Perfect for us,” I said.

“They worked hard to get private donors. And a lot of word-of-mouth marketing.” She nodded in Lina’s direction. “I’m safe. Go. I want to watch you two have a nice time dancing.”

I kissed her cheek and moved toward Lina. She straightened, and a smile filled her face as I approached. That alone empowered my resolve to protect her forever and never hurt her. I wasn’t like that monster who fathered me. Nothing like him.

“Care to dance?” I reached out for her hand.

“Absolutely. Patty, this is Hunter, my…boyfriend.”

The older woman’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened as if surprised. I had to say I was a little surprised by the label as well, but it felt right. Like it felt right to hold Lina’s hand in mine. To take care of her.

“Nice to meet you, Hunter. Take care of our girl, here.”

“Always,” I said leading Lina away. “Boyfriend…I—”

“I’m sorry if I was out of line. I should have asked you first.”

“It’s perfect,” I said, kissing the back of her hand as I faced her. “Now, come dance with your boyfriend.”

Her cheeks reddened as she stepped into my arms. “I really like how that sounds.”

She rested her cheek on my chest and formed to me as we swayed to the slow music. There were several couples on the floor, dressed in varying ranges of flashy gowns to conservative dresses. I’d heard earlier that this event was over six hundred dollars per plate and that it raised well into the tens of thousands of dollars for the charity.

And it had been founded by my Lina. Something she’d never told me. As broken as she’d appeared to the world these past years, unable to leave her home, working to get through college, and working to overcome her tragedy, she’d done some impressive things during her seclusion.

I couldn’t have been more in awe of her than I was at this moment. “Why didn’t you tell me you were behind this event?”

“You heard, huh?”

I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

“Patty wanted to present me with an award tonight when she found out I was attending, but I told her no. I don’t need everyone to know anything about my involvement. Some do, just from word of mouth, but for the most part, I like to remain anonymous.”

“I understand that. I’m proud of you, Lina.” I hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. “My little princess. You’re helping so many people. I’ve been through a DV shelter once or twice in my time, and without them a lot of women and children would be in danger.”

“And homebound.” She let out a sigh. “I wanted to do something after…. You know—to help women. What happened to me…if something good—no matter how small or big—could come out of my situation, then I had to do it. Owed it to myself and to the women who need these services.” She hugged me tight. “Had to do something.”

I swayed with her in my arms for another two songs, the minutes passing like seconds until a shout ripped me out of my fog. And then a scream that was entirely too close to my Lina shattered the peaceful bubble around us.

“Where is she?” A man’s deep voice ripped through the music and chatter surrounding me. “You’re hiding her, you bitch.”

I shot straight and held Lina’s face to my chest as I surveyed the crowd. One perk of being six foot five was I could see over everyone.

Four security guards, tasers at the ready, wove through the people in our direction. To my left I saw the guy they were bearing down on. Tall, skinny, and dressed in a tux, he held Patty by the throat, pushing her through the crowd.

Shit, he was pushing her toward the back corner. There was an exit there.

“She’s mine. Mine!” the guy yelled.

Patty’s husband tackled the guy, but he kicked out his knee and smacked him across the face with his free hand.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance