Page 69 of Limitless

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One of the guards intercepted Lina around the waist and spun her away from me.

I roared to my feet. “You’ve got about four seconds to get your fucking hands off her!”

Lina stumbled to the side, her hands to her throat and her eyes wide.

The guy bent his knees, taser pointed at me but let go of her. He kept his arm out to the side, boxing her behind him. The two other guards aimed their weapons at me as well.

“No!” Lina screamed. “He’s with me. He’s with me. Don’t hurt him.” She reached for me, and a wave of energy stormed through my muscles again—they tightened, ready to fight to get to her.

“Get on your knees, man,” the guard yelled at me. “Let me sort this through. Jack, get a medical team in here.” He looked back at me. “Sir, stay there. Don’t move.”

Lina looked at me and nodded. “It’s okay, Hunter. Please, just do it.”

Of course those asshole cop wannabes were worried about me. I was all tatted up and bigger than two of them put together, but all I wanted was to get to Lina. To make sure she was okay.

“Please…Hunter,” she begged. Fear laced her eyes, darkening them until they were almost black. It was fear for me…and of me, though.


I eased to my knees, my hands up as I watched her. She didn’t appear to be hurt. I didn’t see any blood, and she was moving fine.

“I’m okay. I’m okay.” She pushed at the arm keeping her from me, but the guy wouldn’t budge. “Let me go. Hunter. Let me get to him.”

“Stay calm, Miss Raine. Let me—”

I went to push myself up so I could break that arm holding her prisoner in half, but she elbowed the guy’s side and pushed his arm down. Two steps brought her to me, and she leapt into my arms. “Hunter.”

Now that I held her tight, and her scent wrapped around me, my senses pushed through the red haze tainting my vision. I hugged her close with one arm while I kept my other one up. “I’m not going to hurt her.”

“Yeah, rent-a-cop, he hammered that asshole,” a voice shouted out.

“Way to go.”

“He saved us.”

“Who is that?”

Lina buried her face in my neck and hugged me tight. “Oh my gosh, Hunter.”

“Are you okay?”

Her little body shook as she tumbled into sobs that resonated through me like a dozen knives slicing my gut.

“Lina, answer me. Are you okay?” So help me, if she was hurt—

“I’m okay.”

“Where’s Mom?”

“I’m okay, Hunter,” she said from behind me, a guard at her side. “It’s fine.”

Her eyes were wide with the same fear I’d seen in Lina’s. A fear that ripped a hole in my reality.

I glanced over my other shoulder and found the guy lying limp on the floor. His nose was facing the wrong direction, and both of his eyes were nearly swollen shut already.


Mom was on her phone, more than likely calling Marshal. We might need his help on this one.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance