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I sidestep away and cross my arms in front of my chest. “I’ve been in France for five minutes and poof, there you are.”

“France is nothing. Believe me when I say that I would travel to the end of the earth for you.”

His comment leaves me feeling warm and tingling all over. I want nothing more than to fall back into us and the way we were, but it just isn’t that simple. “How did you even know where I was?”

Lucian looks toward Café Blanche. He and Tyler share a glance, and Tyler offers a two-finger salute before continuing his conversation with Jean-Paul.

“Great, so now you’re in cahoots with my roomie? How much did you pay him?”

“Not a single penny.” Lucian drapes an arm around my shoulder. “I asked Tyler to call me when you arrived in Paris. After which we had a nice little conversation regarding the estate agency in Heller St Claire.”

I guess that explains where Tyler disappeared off to when I was unpacking on our arrival. “What about the estate agency?” I ask, pulling out of Lucian’s hold.

A round of applause breaks out around us as the performance finishes, and the violinist bows before flicking through the pages of his music book.

Lucian takes my hand in his. I’m about to pull away when he guides it to his lips. “Come back to me.”

His words float on the soft breeze, while his eyes, those hypnotic greens have me hypnotised. How easy it would be to fall and let Lucian catch me. How easy it would be to wear his ring for real. The problem is my whole life I’ve been living in a cage of my own creation. It doesn’t matter how nice the bars. It isn’t enough anymore, I want out. I want to spread my wings, feel the breeze beating against my feathers as I soar.

I pull my hand from his. “Lucian, I can’t.”

Lucians’ eyes glimmer, and for a split second I swear I see a tear. He blinks and nods his head in a kind of acceptance. “Will you at least have breakfast with me? I’ve come all this way and—”

“Of course I will,” I say, and we make our way to Café Blanche.

My phone vibrates. I pull it from my pocket and see Cole’s name flash on the screen. “I have to take this,” I say and accept the call. “Hello, Cole?”

Lucian’s eyes widen and he leans a little closer, as though trying to listen in. I smile and subtly turn my phone volume down.

“Chelsea. Hello! How the fuck are you, or better yet, where the fuck are you?” Cole asks.

With my palm over my eyes I shake my head. Cole is Lizzie’s older brother. I can’t tell him I missed his sister’s big day in order to come to Paris. He wouldn’t understand—none of my friends will. I’ll tell them, I’ll tell them everything, but not today and not over the phone. “I’m fine, Cole. I’ve called Amber and Lizzie to let them know I’m safe. I just need some time, you know?”

Lucian and I join the small queue of people being directed into the café. A waiter dressed in black shows people to their tables.

“You need to let us know you’re okay from time to time,” Cole says.

I can’t help the laugh that escapes between my lips. If I had a pound for every time Cole disappeared without so much as a courtesy call, then I would be a very rich lady. “Yeah, like you do when you go MIA?”

My attention is waylaid, and I continue the conversation, though feel a million miles away. I stand and look at Lucian, really look at him. How the breeze picks up loose strands of his hair, and how it annoys him and he is quick to push it back. My gaze lowers to his hand, one I could quite easily slip my hand into. Physically we are so close, and yet emotionally I am putting more and more distance between us. Just because Lucian and I aren’t together anymore doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.

“When are you coming home?” Cole asks.


The music from the violinist picks up, and I turn to see the ballet dancer start her next dance. Lucian was right when he said that dancing done right is like the soul bleeding in front of your very eyes. It’s painfully beautiful.

“Votre table, madame,” a waiter says. I look around to see where Tyler is—surely he will be joining us?—but he stands eating a pastry whilst deep in conversation with Jean-Paul.

“Sorry, Cole. I have to go; our table is ready.”

“Is Lucian with you?” Cole asks right before I cut the call.

We follow the waiter to the table, and when Lucian pulls a chair out for me, I take a seat.

Lucian sits opposite. “Is everything okay?”

“Cole just asked me if I was with you. How would he even know?”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance